Sunday, March 1, 2020


     A lovely woman, wonderful, late 50's. A pity she died from the coronavirus. Oops, wrong person. It was a man. I hope he was wonderful too, but how does a major organization supposedly dedicated to the fight against this virus make such a grievous error and then the idiot repeats it, along, of course with his sickening and deranged attempts to push COVID-19 off on the Democratic Party. Yup. First they added to our troubles with their debate, where they evidently caused the sheer madness of over 3,00 points down the chute in the market and then, well, then, they wished for millions of deaths from the virus so they could bring downTrump. Uh huh. I kid you not. The man is insane and vicious and his attempts to fight this coming pandemic as it spreads throughout the country, well, read and think and speak for yourself and vote accordingly.
     The reactioin was fierce. One Congressman warned off Trump and Junior as well, telling them to keep their distance, while others raised their voices in outrage. How could someone stoop so low and state that someone wishes the deaths of millions. Or is it that Trump is channeling Hitler and other mass murderers more and more, thinking like them more and more? Not a good sign, folks, not at all.
     The question raised is - what do we do to get rid of this man? Edward II simply stated his wishes re Thomas a Becket and off went some loyal followers of the King and killed the dude whereupon he became a veneratted saint. That extreme behavior is not asked for here. All we are wanting here is for the man to pay the consequences of his so many misdeeds, his inappropriateness, his treasonous behavior of inviting  foreign interference and his financial crimes, violations of the emoluments clause ad infinitum ad nauseum. All that in addition to the fact that he is an admitted pervert and certainly suffering from some form of dementia. Could be familial as his children, particularly Junior, just jumps the shark about every time he opens his poisonous and vile mouth.
     So what to do? Do we all need to race into action, shouting, holding placards, marching? Well, yes and no. It is good to be visible but an English poet once wrote that "they also serve who stand and wait." So stand upright and proud and know your plans. Serve at the right moment as you fulfill the duty and right of democracy and vote. Vote him and his cadre out. Vote America back in. Vote Democratic, as it seems that the entire GOP as once was known has disappeared, with all present ceding total control and obediendce to Trump. Sickening, and moreover, dangerous to our existence as a democratic country called the United States of America This man and his slimy ilk have done much to divide this country rather than keep it united.
     We have ceded much to others, given away the store. For what? Our market tanked. Individuals such as myself have lost our lifetime savings to the tune of at least 10 - 11% and will it return? Who knows and remember, at this point manyof us are not in it for the long run any longer. Our short run is upon us. Now.
     So what about elsewhere? We are pulling, secretly, troops out of west Africa where the threats and the violence are ramping up quickly. We have signed a treaty with the Taliban, remember them? Remember their horrendous behavior with civilians? With women? So now they promise to be nice nice and not be mean to prisoners or opponents of the Taliban. Really? A promise? And for that we pull out after 18 bloody years, the loss of so many, the lives ruined of so many and the fears of the women of Afghanistan unaddressed, unguaranteed, and when the oppression starts again? When the schools for girls are burned to the ground? When women are relocked inside their homes, not allowed to work, to learn to read, to become whatever they wish to be? What then? What then? What has this all been for? I hang my head in shame in front of all the gravestones, the wounded for life, those who lost so much, their families. For what did they fight? What have we gained?
     Voltaire wrote that "G-d is on the side of the big battalions." Cynical, but true, for history is written by the victors and it takes a long, long time for it to correct itself. But big battalions do not make right nor safety. It is the use and the implied use of these battalions that keep the just in place and the unjust out of office. These battalions are not the armed forces, the power to be used by dictators and ruthess leaders. They are the people. The people of the country. Those who stand and wait or act at the right time, who protect the country. These are the batttalions that we need to act come primaries and the big one in November. These are the battalions who have to impress on all public servants that they serve the peple even as they serve at the pleasure of the President. Their loyalty is owed to the people and not to a ruthess amoral and immoral demented person who is out only for himself and for no others.  The nonexistent woman was wonderful indeed, and so will be all the other real people who die in this epidemic, who suffer from it, in so many ways as the consequences will be harsh, already are, and the people in charge cannot figure out how to get out of their own way, to fight their way out of that proverbial paper bag. We are in trouble. We had better recognize that and do what we must.
     Make America Great? Keep America Great? It already was and will continue to be despite the efforts to the contrary by Trump et al, despite their false patriotism so dangerous to us. But we need to act in November and in all that leads up to it or America will not be so great any longer.

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