Wednesday, March 11, 2020


    That row of question marks appears to be the response to other questions. What the hell is going on here? Everywhere? Is there a chain, a relationship, between events that would help explain the whole mess, the confluence of so many things happening at the same time with the same feeling of helplessness as a response, albeit as truly a non responsive answer as one can get!
     Look around at the world. Look around at the country. See the response, or lack thereof, to the whole coronavirus mess. We appear to have regressed to the Middle Ages and the Black Plague, as helpless in the grip of COVID-19 as the world was then. But there is no excuse for this situation, none at all, other than incompetence, unpreparedness in the face of something we knew was coming down the pike, and sheer stupidity and selfishness.
     For several years before 2016 a selfish mantra took over the world. Individuals chased those dollars and euros as if there was nothing else worthwhile. College education became more and more out of the reach of middle class, for there was not sufficient income in their household but too much for a needs scholarship, and the costs, the lifelong loan burden was just too much, leaving so many of our young saddled for life with a life damaging debt.
     Society began to crack, in all countries. The wealthy often became the uber wealthy, drawing away from the rest of society. They built huge homes all the while more and more people became homeless, unable to afford the purchase price or even the rent. Feasting in posh restaurants, all the while so many in the world, including right here in America went hungry, trying to ignore the cries of children and their own empty stomachs.
     A layer of callousness grew over society and then along came an authoritarian wannabe who achieved his goal via dirty tricks, appeals to the base of society, and to GOP members who wished to see a different society, one that would retrogress to pre modern times, no women's rights, no voting security, no assurance of a government that looked out for its people rather than for the fatcats. The world, particularly the USA under Trump, ignored the harm we were inflicting on our planet, existential harm, and regulations were overturned. Even when the world realized some of this, and in no little part thanks to a 16 year old who was then attacked by our schoolyard bully, Trump, our country remained in the world of troglodytes, seeing and wanting and doing only what was good for these selfish fatcats and these whimpering despicable GOP Congressmen and women and Senators. Even the courts of the country were affected, perverted, with the wrong people.
     Even as we ignored science, the obvious evidence of a clear and present danger within our biological world as well as the economic one, there were other plans in store for us. We should have been prepared for we knew there would be, sooner rather than later, a pandemic, but it cost money to figure out defenses. It took a belief in science which would affect the wallets of the fatcats as they raped the earth in their greed, and that orange person in the WH just loved it.  
     So ignore it we did, and here we are, with a virus that is threatening the world, crashing markets, rending apart transportation, commerce and distribution paths. Why? Because we sat on our thumbs and rotated, and the result? Well, where are you? Like me, cancelling flights? Sitting home as events are cancelled? Worried for the future - and what that future will be?Cursing the authorites who did worse than nothing, actually encouraging this to happen with and by their neglect, their no planning rather than even poor planning. And then we hear how the sniveling cowardly Republicans go ahead and test themselves even with no signs! Over people who are awaiting testing but there are no tests available?!!!
     For today, we have a contest of two geriatric individuals, both with weakened minds, albeit I am not sure if the Demented One ever had a working and competent mind and for sure, he has no empathy with anyone or anything other than himself and his economic wellbeing. He even goes so far as to pervert science, insisting on his version rather than on the truth. The truth in anything is anathema to him. And what the heck does he think he is doing wearing that stupid red hat with a political slogan, even as he is supposed to be acting as a  President of the entire country?!!!
     Lots of questions and even some explanatory answers, but seemingly no answers that will get us out of a rising crisis, a dangerous crisis. The only help left is one that moderate Republicans are realizing and they join in voting with the Democrats who cannot tolerate any more of this man, but is it enough and in time? For that I have no assurances at all. Let us hope we get Biden in - should he make it through the virus issue safely, and have a good VP running mate, a woman, a bright and competent and strong woman. For me, that is Klobuchar, but I would agree with Kamala Harris as well for the job.
      Questions, questions, questions, but answers, answers that will solve the problem? For that I only have one - get rid of Trump and his coterie of fellow creeps and then let us start rebuilding our country the right way, return a safety net, regulate the environment, the waters, the air, the earth beneath our feet. Spend funds here and not on a ridiculous Space Force which resembles Star Trek! This is not a game we are living in; it is real life. No matter how many red hats the man wears, no matter how much hatred he gins up, no matter how he lies about his knowledge, his capabilities, his genius, we all know the truth. answer?
        VOTE HIM OUT!!!!

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