Tuesday, May 12, 2020


     I had a hard time figuring out the title for today's posting. The news was rich with so many tempting tidbits. Could it be the meeting of the moment that Trump boasted about, that we met the moment, faced off with the virus and are prevailing? I kid you not. We evidently are living in some other dimension, for the facts reveal that the virus rate is spiking, now finding fertile ground in the heartland. 
      We have certainly not prevailed, for despite the stringent efforts to hide the data, the truth, as usual, the truth outs itself. "All throughout the country, the numbers are falling rapidly." Or so he states, even as the WH people run around like chickens without heads as the virus came to its doors. The numbers are rising, rapidly. The virus is busy ravaging the world, infecting us here as well, and Fauci and WHO say that we are not done. Not even beginning.
      In fact, it will not truly be met, be manageable till we hit about 70% of the population, a mark of 'herd immunity'. Not quite sure what that means to we elderly and otherwise people in more peril than others as we cannot assume that will be fine for us. So we will need to continue to isolate? To cut off physical contact with family and friends? To skulk around stores in masks and gloves, shy away from people? No, we have not prevailed. We have not met the moment.
     What we have met is the enemy and it is us. It is our leadership. It is people like Stephen Miller, so active and influential in the Trump putrid petri dish, that he has induced people into visons of wishing him ill, unto death. He has laundered the memes of right wing extremists and brought them into the mainstream, an integral part of Trump's message and campaign, allowing the hate to grow and grow. Yes, he has met his moment and is glorifying and wallowing in it.
     We have met the moment when the disrobing and the baring of the truth is happening, but where do we go with it? When we have people such as McConnell who stated that "(Obama) should have kept his mouth shut", that he is classless for speaking out and criticizing Trump's pathetic and dangerous pandemic policy, well where do we go from here? When we have confessed criminals being declared not guilty, when the AG himself is doing that, when the DOJ is perverted and twisted until it is an open, free law firm for Trump and his merry band of criminals, well, who needs to shut mouths and who needs to open them? I still see before me the nightmarish, frightening face of Graham at the Kavanaugh hearings, so intense, so much a mask of anger beyond all points of sanity. The screaming that emerged from that ugly face was beyond belief. The words, a betrayal of our American values, a betrayal of the people of America, a betrayal of all women. So who needs to keep the mouth shut?
     In the meanwhile the cowardice and hypocrisy of the WH is unbelievable. Now they are wearing masks. Not enough that they are tested every day and sometimes more than once, even as the rest of the country goes begging for these tests, and meet the lie extraordinare- that we lead the world in testing -  or that Trump now stands back in shrubbery at his shameful 'briefings'. 
    Yet he persists in his lies. He refuses to admit that he is wrong, grieviously and dangerously, life threatening wrong in this policy and basically in all else. He has turned back our efforts at trying to fix the mess we have made of this world of ours, discarded legislation meant to insure the health of the people, of the growing and exposed children, keep the air and water free of chemicals, keeping the land fertile and available, not being built upon and scarred by big business, by big energy companies.
     Oh yes, we have met the moment and it is right there in DC. Encouraging, though, is the news that at least 54% of the population feel that this WH is releasing false information, misinformation. I only wonder why it is not more. Frightening how many still fall under his spell, even as he lies, demeans, never shuttng his mouth, much to our detriment. His prejudice raises its ugly head, his foulness outed by his own words and  yet, he goes on.  
      When a reporter for CBS news asked why he approached the whole pandemic issue as a world competition (which we are losing - my words), he tells her, an American of Asian origin, here since she was two, that she should ask China that question. When asked why he said that, would he have asked it or told it to another reporter, not Asian, he turned to his usual obfuscation and says it was a nasty question. Why does it matter, she asked, meaning why should her physical appearance matter in the exchange, Trump, the coward, shut the briefing down. So who needs to shut mouths?
     Almost 2,000 former DOJ employees file a petition against Barr. Fauci states that this will be ongoing and the vaccine and its distribution and efficiency with all groups of the popuation are big issues to tackle and meet. Yes, meet and prevail, but in truth. In fact.
     We need to meet the truth, not shut mouths, when politics rears its ugly and life threatening head in the virus war. Not giving funds and help out because more blue states will receive than red?! What the hell!!!!!! Is that how we judge now? Is that going to be our defining moment? Will all of us keep our mouths shut, not protest, not throw this creep and his ilk out of every office in the land?! 
     Will we allow, will the newly unbalanced Supreme Court, allow his claim that the sitting president is immune from criminal charges while in office,and shut the door, no, slam the door, on revealing the ugly truth of this man? Not even bothering to lie that he is innocent of charges, just immune to them!! Such a role model. Were he to have a portrait in his attic, a la Dorian Gray, well, that is the bogeyman personified! The nightmare face in the dreams of children and today, of adults.
    No, we have not prevailed in the moment, over its disastrous effects upon our society, our very lives and our future. No, we will also not keep our mouths shut! Never!!
     What we will do is continue to resist him and his twisted plans and vote him and his out in November. We will speak up at every moment we can. We will insist on the truth. Always. Most important and urgent, we will Be Well and Stay Safe. Always, in every moment.

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