Sunday, May 17, 2020


     All of the above words of the title are used to explain our present Federal government, and as far as I am concerned, much of the down ballot levels as well. Something has gone missing from our country, from those who have chosen to become representatives of the people - but are not. Something nasty has infected the souls, the brains, the ethical system of too many people in this country and we are left with the current poor representational pickings and a dismal future. That the present is awful goes without saying.
     Warning after warning, plea after plea, cries from the heart - all whispered, then spoken of , then shouted about- and nothing. Nothing until it is almost too late - or are we there already?
     Frightening is the term I would use to sum up all the title words. How did we get here and so fast, so quickly that an enormously dysfunctional administration has been in office for almost four years and the country is so much the worse for it. We have lost all trust. Fair play is as outmoded as jousts with lances unless one jousts with lances of evil motivations and results.
     We have a President who is systematically dismantling all the safety precautions of our governmental systems. Independent Inspector Generals, those who watch the watchmen of the country, independent and objective, are being cut down by an almost weekly Friday night long knives attacks, so reminiscent of dictatorial governments, and replaced by more administration stooges, ill equipped for the job nor inclined to do anything positive to fix that and to uphold the responsibilities of the office.
     Lindsay Graham, weak chinned and empty of moral values McConnell, and the rest of the GOP in the Senate were rude and crude in the last year of Obama's term when they even refused to talk with Garland as part of the Supreme Court appointment process. They used some garbage never heard before about last term no appointment rules. Sheer trash and wouldn't you know it. Today, Graham, he of the insane and child frightening face, full of hate, now states that the conditions are different so it can and will be done. Thank you for wishing someone dead, you creeps, for no judge with a heart will resign, certainly not RBG!! In any case why is it different? Because no one of them votes for qualified, rather only by political viewpoints and today the Senate is held by the GOP, hence it is okay to appoint a judge. Such crap. It is one rule, one law, yet the GOP makes its own, based on lies, on things that never were, on the basis of winning, rather than better for the country. How did we ever get here? How do we dare include these dangerously unqualified judges in the same category of Brandeis Frankfurter, Marshall, Warren etc. We have done well before so what happened?
     What happened was a growth of the selfish theory, that no one counts more than oneself. And in pursuing that thought, the country grew apart. Weak points of unity sheering off, crumbling down, and no, idiotic Eric Trump, the cookie crumbles, not the chips!! We see now a reversal of the protection movement wherein the environment was to be saved from our destructive behavior, that our children were to be protected from dangerous cancer causing chemicals, that our mountain tops were not to be torn off in the name of dirty energy coal.
     We had rules against nepotism, cronyism, political appointments in professional positions but they were stepped on and over, thrown into the heap of bad historical judgements and the mess we are in is the result. Lies are seemingly the response. We had no pandemic rulebook? Oh yes, we did.We had warnings, but they were ignored under the mouth, brain and viewpoint of a mentally damaged, infantile narcissist.
     Blame was to always be deflected onto someone else, even stating openly that he takes no responsibility. How different from Truman who had his desk placard with "The buck stops here. " Lies are and seem always to be the currency of the day, and screw the people the operating mantra. Huge fraud and mismanaging public funds, using them to shore up companies not needing nor truly qualified to get it.
      SBA unable to help all those terrified and desperate small business owners, for their personnel had been cut, nonprofessionals were brought in and the money was shifted elsewhere. DeVos sent her funding over to religious and private schools who then thanked the Lord for it. Well, I am all for female power, for offices, but sorry, DeVos is not G-d!! What a thought! 
      Some of his own party have woken up and call his behavior a "threat to accountable democracy", particularly his latest firing. He damns and demeans anyone who has a criticism of his deeds, his inane and infantile tweets and why the hell is he not busy being presidential rather than being busy as a schoolyard bully? 
    Evidently, the business practices he allegedly used as a private person, fraud on taxes, shafting his subcontractors, are all okay and to be in use in his personna as president, G-d help us. It seems there is no end to his depth of nastiness or depravity, no end to his accusations of others of conspiracy talk and deeds, anything that will shift attention away from his dangerous incompetence and his lack of concern or care or empathy for fellow Americans.
     I am not an Obama fan. There are certain policies where we part paths, but the man survived Trump's onslaughts and nasty lies and accusations, endeavoring to be a President. The picture of his face as he spoke to a virtual gathering for graduation was so telling of where we stand as a nation. His sadness comes through loud and clear. His eyes tell the true story of America today and the America of tomorrow if we do not throw these imbeciles out of office, fix their damges and proceed carefully, with truth, fair play, seek unity, and rejoin the world, assume our proper role as a leader of the Free World, defender of Democracy, purveyor of Justice, always seeking and willing to improve ourselves.
     Until this can be, until we all pull together, do try to do the right thing, vote for whose who care, who are honest, who feel for the people, and as always - Be Well    Stay Safe.

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