Thursday, May 14, 2020


     Today, most people are walking around as if they are preparing for a career of robbery, identities hidden beneath the masks. People walk right by friends and neighbors because masking hides identities and identifying features. It hides who we are, allows for a certain freedom of action - as long as the masking continues to work. However, it also allows for masking to hide the truth. What truly lurks beneath those masks?
     Masking is a cause of limited interaction and that is fine for today's infected world, but what about when it is not? How does one converse with an 'unknown'? How does a child recognize a mother beneath those all enshrouding total burkas? Or is that the point? These maskings of all types cause a separation among the strata of society, unleash a certain wild streak, for who will know who it really is beneath that mask?
     Yet we must wear those masks, for our safety and for the safety and continued viability of the human race. But what truly is beneath those masks? What does it mean when the highest oficer in the land and his underlings do not obey the rule of the land, refuse to wear masks? What messasge do we get from that behavior?
     We humans mask ourselves up every day of our lives. We self isolate when we do not like one group or another. We try to appear as if we are a friendly 'monster' a la Nessie of Loch Ness. We try to portray ourselves as reformed monsters, like Godzilla fighting for the human race, but then again, in the next movie he is the enemy, plotting against it or battling another reformed monster. We humans are forever wearing masks and go figure. Why can't we just be honest with ourselves and others?
     "Hell is empty, and all the devils are here..." The Tempest. Shakespeare knew from the beginning of his writings that there are monsters beneaeth human forms, human masking up. Always, there are obvious villians, but always, too, there are 'good' people who are unmasked at the end of the play as the play reaches its denoument. That is a fact of society today with an interesting twerk.
    Today the outer masks of society are the dividing grounds of society. Those who hide their faces beneath mouth and nose masks are the good people of society, who try hard to insure its safety, who follow these sane and necessary rules. Those unmasked are the evil devils, escaped from Hell, wreaking havoc upon us. A defiant attitude, government is here to destroy us, we are the great unwashed, victims of society, even as they push violence, politicize the mask and indeed all truths that defy their twisted views and deeds.
    How did we get here? How do we allow an ignorant yokel, a dangerous buffoon, one who "ponders injecting disinfectant into a body", who lies with every breath and inbetween, who is functionally illiterate and obviously suffering from some  form of progressive dementia to 'lead' this country into the levels of Dante's Inferno. How and why have we allowed the villians of society to unmask freely yet cover and mask those who are the positive side of society?
     There are no answers as far as I can tell. I am as puzzled as the next person. The situation has grown so, or degraded so, that numbers are twisted or ignored. Predictions of 25% unemployment should make one's hair stand up. Over 80,000 dead in the States, rising quickly to the 90,000 mark and a  prediction of at least 147,000 by August 4. Warnings of serious harm to society if we do not follow the dictats of science. Pleas to stop the rush to disaster. The total moral vacuum of the GOP as they condone perversion, insider trading by their own Senators, invading the Justice Department and making Barr their puppet, always there to justify and defend Trump rather than his true job - the safety and law for the American society at large, not the one existing within the confines of the WH.
     As those with any sense wear the masks, the rest have drawn a virtual mask over their true intentions. The mask serves as a target and incitement for them. These are the people of the extreme right, those who shoot 'others', scream anti Semitic remarks, violate the sanctity of houses of worship other than their own. These are the ones who are masking their evil intentions even as they scream for 'liberation, for liberty" as their twisted leaders, Trump et al, lead them further into the very depths of the Hell they escaped from, only this time bringing others along who are suffering under this oppressive atmosphere, this evil miasma covering the country.
     What lies beneath, what lurks below, are the evil aims of this group of people who boldly unmask themselves and their goals, as they deem all others  mentally deficient, unable to discern the truth. But Jared let it out two days ago when he slipped and the truth emerged, ignorance and danger rearing their ugly heads. 
     He and the others are mulling, plannng, how to mask their objective - to cancel the election in November - thus making it easy for a takeover of the country. Ignoring their lack of knowledge, that nobody can cancel the election, certainly not anyone from the Executive branch, certainly not he or Trump, his daddy in law so beneficial for him. But the danger screams out to all of us. Are we paying attention to the true faces of these people even as they cover over their devilish ends with a mask of humanity?
     Masks are inanimate objects, used as tools by those who need them or who see a malevolent purpose to them. We, the good posse with the white or red or blue masks, must chase the bad dudes with the black hats and the black bandannas. We must unmask the truth whatever and wherever it is to be found. If we do not, well, then what lies beneath, what lurks below, will rise to the top, the scum of society, of the human race, becoming its elite as they lead us to perdition.
    We have been warned of these truths all through the ages, masks have been used in various manners through the eras of human history. They have proven to be our weak point as well as a strong point - depending upon how it is used and who does the leading.
     Until we recognize these truths and act positively, proactively for our own safety, for humanity. it will be difficult to do what we must - yet we must. So always, as we fight these eternal battles of good and evil, of hope and despair, always remember to Be Well and Stay Safe.


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