Monday, June 15, 2020


     So what was that we saw? We all participated in "I Spy With My Little Eye" all week long and the weekend followed right along. It was brutalizing to see the video of a supposed lynching class of justice being meted out. It is frightening to realize that if law enforcement representatives are allowed to do this to one, they can and will stretch it to others. Kangaroo courts led by the police, at the moment, will be the play of the day, the I Spy winning sight. The public will follow, emboldened by the official responses.
     I do not understand why it is so difficult for people to understand, to follow the thread of hatred and its consequences from start to not a finish but rather to an expansion. Why do people feel exempt, that they will be the bystanders, perhaps even tsk tsking, but the object of that immediate and applied 'justice' - never, they think. That is until they are right there in the next video. Worse, seeing all this violence will inure us to it, roll off our backs with a shrug, if that, just as we have grown so terribly indifferent to the gaffes, lies and outrageous behavior of Trump, and that is not only on a daily basis, but almost on an hourly basis.
     However, there is always a second time around when something catches the eye of the beholder. Something calls to the onlooker, forces that same onlooker to reevaluate, to weigh and measure, be forced, compelled, by the proof to make the right decision. This is not the romantic second time around but rather the harsh dose of reality, actually like the zillionth time around. This, what we see, is not funny, nor entertaining, and has great and important messages and warnings behind it.
    However, as we view these videos with half an eye closed, as if to halve the horror, as we jerk with shock, there are some redeeming videos. No, not the ones of violence, of hate. Those we should not be seeing for the first time, let alone a second time around. Nope, what gave me great glee, that oh so sweet feeling of what goes around comes around, well, that was the video of Trump inching his way down a ramp. 
     It was a beautiful day for a commencement. It was sunny, dry, not too hot or cold or windy or threatening or whatever weather related negative you dig up. Nope, it was perfect. Perhaps it wasn't, one might think, as for some reason Trump had to bend his head forward to reach the mouth of a bottle of water whose location he could not remember, and then hold that bottle to his mouth in an awkward position, with both hands. Just like a little child lacking strength or surety of a firm one hand hold. Nor was this a one time performance, for we have seen it more than once, more than twice.
     Nor did the rest of his body prove loyal to him. The hesitation seen upon approaching the ramp. The soldier beside him, to stand as insurance to prevent a fall on that dry ramp on a clear day...... The bent body, the head focused in the downward direction, the lack of movement of his arms, the steps of a baby, first one and then bring the other to meet, and the final stumbling, the loss of balance at the end, of control, which led to the stumbling stutter steps he took. No, there was no ice. No, there was no running of the last ten feet. No, there was no truth at all in the excuse he and others made for him. He lies, they swear, and a segment of the public sees once more, the 'new, not there at all' clothing of the would be emperor.
     Now, what did we see other than an old man, well past his sell by date, stumble. Well, for most we might chalk it up as just an off moment. Others might look at his postural signs and urge a complete checkup, as possible neurodegenerative or muscular degenerative syndromes are possible and probable. Add to that the lies, the water bottle problem, the visions of grandeur, and well, is the man capable of staying in office? Can we afford an obviously incapacitated president at such a moment of crisis, multiple crises, in our country?
    This is the man who was so very cruel and nasty when Hilary stumbled as she was ill with the flu. He taunted her, demeaned her, challenged her physical capacity to remain in the race, let alone the office for which she ran. He went with this for quite some time, and now he is accusing Biden of being a wiped out old dude, incapable of either physical or mental agility. Well, guess he had better look in the mirror, for what I saw, what the nation saw, is a damaged senior citizen who has demonstrably proven his incompetence, his delusions of grandeur, his physical weaknesses and his huge mental deficit, let alone the glaring lack of a moral backbone, with no values or goals other than to see himself in office.
    Pots and kettles, folks. Goose and gander. Time to look in the mirror and acknowledge what is there. Time to realize that this man is a man engaged in a chaotic, autocratic race to stay in his position and benefit his bottom line, provide jobs for his twisted children, and play down enough of his mental incompetence, so that people will just brush it off.
    That is what we saw not just yesterday but all the days of the past four years. We should be ashamed of ourselves, living out a fairytale of new clothing when we all should have known better. We should be ashamed of our Republican members of both Houses of Congress for their apparent spinal injuries, so bad that they could not stand up to danger, a clear and present danger to this country. We should acknowledge and recognize how this Senate has handed all the keys, all the balance scales, all the power of the three branches, over to a megalomaniac who cannot keep his lies straight, has not an ounce of human empathy for anyone, and now apparently his bloated body is acting up, the finishing touch to the devolution of a human.
     And now, as the market tanks, as we face either a continuation of the first wave, or the beginning of the second, for whatever difference it makes, as the death toll crosses over 114,000, and the cases over two million, as we stand increasingly alone in the world, why are we allowing this would be Nero to remain in office, let alone run for a second term? Will we have a president in the full throes of dementia, of having to be fed his food and water, who will have the stamina of a tired, sick and ailing, old man who should be resting in his rocker in one of his over the top gaudy homes?
     Be Well. Stay Safe. With him at the helm? With his weak and useless morally vacant crew behind him? Never. And just think what history will write of us and him. We will all be rolling over in the proverbial graves, ashamed at our lack of action, of our growing acceptance of hatred and incapability, of allowing the earth to be trashed under his rapacious behavior? Nota good legacy, is it?

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