Friday, June 19, 2020


     The air is heating up and not just with the daily temperature. Nope, for what we have is the intense buildup of nuclear powered words that indicate danger ahead. Words get sharper, though sanity does not. Accusations grow in intensity, yet perfect opportunities were and continue to be ignored. And if wishes were horses, as they say, then where would we be riding?
      John Bolton had a perfect chance to testify during the impeachment hearings. So why didn't he? Democrats are saying that it would have weighed in heavily for conviction, yet would it? The Senate was and remains a swamp of Republican majority where no word of criticism of Trump was ever valued or validated in their twisted moral vacuum, so who would have listened to Bolton and why would they? They were still sitting pretty, still assuming that Trump was a shoo in victor of the race. They denied the words of so many earnest and honorable witnesses so why would Bolton's have been different? Perhaps he is right, and now, after so many major errors and screwy behavior by Trump, well, the words ring true.
      If wishes were horses, Trump would have been long gone, perhaps on "vacation" as his family would have quietly retired him from public view, insuring that his wackiness, as Bolton said, is controlled and out of public view. Perhaps Pence would have discovered emotions and facial expressions and dared to have a conversation without express permission by Mother! Better yet, he, too, would have gone down, either indicted and convicted for his participation, or resigned due to incompetence, evidently a Republican trait.
     Finally, flying through the air on a modern day Pegasus would have been Madame President, Pelosi, following in the list as Speaker of the House. Ahhh, if wishes were horses, if dreams came true. But they do not, so we are left stranded in a bitter reality turning ever more bitter by the second. No hope in sight. Horror began to crystalize at the possibility of a second term by an anti democratic fascist of few working gray cells, an evidently increasing physical incapacity, and the growing uncontrolled anger of the demented.
      So yes, now is the proper time for release of the book by Bolton that hopefully will settle all questions re Trump's incompetence and the danger he portends for our country and indeed, the world. Trump is a man who sees no borders but not in a good way. Instead, all countries of the world serve as springboards to his election, as HE turns traitor and invites in all sorts of present enemies who wish us harm, to help him into office.
     Do you not gag at the truths revealed? Do you not yet accept these truths? How many people must write exposes, speak the awful truths of Trump's betrayal of us, before you believe? The book Too Much and Never Enough, by Mary Trump, will prove to be the cherry on top as she reveals his lifetime rife with bizarre, fraudulent, demented behavior, misogynistic to the core, empty of all empathy or concern for anyone other than his own disgusting self.
     Fauci warns of the dangerous attitude towards science by these new versions of Luddites. Pompeo, another loser, calls others liars even as they speak the truth. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the Trump adherents continue to try to stifle all opposition, a true tyrant in the making, a true clear and present danger to America. Why and how have we sunk so low? How have we allowed this to happen? Why is there still a chance that he could return to office, particularly if buoyed by the virus and fear of standing for hours to vote, stymied by shut down polling sites, particularly in Democratic and minority areas, and postal mail ins are denigrated and stolen, called fraudulent, and any other attack on our election process, even to becoming , yet again, a minority popular vote elected candidate. 
     What if he attempts to call in the troops once more? Riots and violence? A rebellious army, refusing these orders, refusing to shoot on fellow citizens asserting their rights? Think that over the top? Think back not so far to DC and someone holding an upside down Bible!, to all the cities, where protest was met by violence, where protesters were physically hurt by military styled police.
     GOP candidates are worried not for the destruction of our values, of the devastating division this man has caused in our country, but rather on the possibility that the truth has been outed and as Trump goes down, so, too, will they! Could not happen to a more deserving bunch!!!
     So Bolton calls Trump a wacko, a sick puppy, a traitor. We have ignored the truth for far too long, sung the praises of the new clothes of the Emperor even as he parades naked through the streets, brazen and contemptuous of all as he pushes forward in his arrogance and gains the blinded support of non seeing people, of truth deniers.
     Can we all just wake up and find our way back through the fog of insanity, the filth of deregulated environments, of catering to the fatcats, the evil miasma and heartbreaking sounds of sobbing, as children go hungry, as parents watch their children huddle in a street for they could not afford rent. Could we not find ourselves in a world where all are educated, where color and religion do not matter as individuals are free in a color blind, religion blind, ethnic blind. gender blind society. Where justice is a given and concern for all is a must. Where hatred and violence, lies upon lies, are not the approved daily behaviors. Where truth is valued, empathy a virtue, and honor a must.
     If wishes were horses we would all be flying in on that heroic Pegasus, blessed by the gods of all, living in a world getting better by the minute. Sigh, but horses do not fly. Our wishes remain just that unless we work to achieve them, even as we find ourselves in bizarre times. Unimaginable, and yet here we are. 
     We wish each other to be well, to stay safe, even as we lay mines in the roads leading to that goal. Can we all just wake up and come to our collective senses again? That is a must, not a dream, not a wish, just a fact of life. Let us face the truth for once in these desperate times. Just once and we will be on our way. Just once with honor, justice and care for our fellow human beings, for that is what we all are, creatures and creations of the Lord Above, meant to emulate him, and now ponder that. Can we come back from our abysmal failure? I hope. 

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