Wednesday, July 1, 2020


     Dang it, but there are times that I do not really want to be right. Yesterday there was a whole hullabaloo re Trump's dangerous phone calls, his inability to properly approach these conversations, his lack of intelligence in understanding the importance of them, his willful granting of 'gifts' to dictators such as Putin and Erdogan, with Erdogan becoming a frequent caller, like two teenage girls.
     We do not know the exact words of these conversations. Why? Because the man, as most demented people, thinks that all are out to get him. Well, full disclosure, he is correct in a way, for so many of us want to 'get' him - out of office, out of range wherein he poses a danger to the country and its citizens, out of our lives and back into his failure of a personal one.
     We do not, or did not, fully understand ourselves how much of a danger he posed and continues to pose for our security. His Party's politicians bowed their heads and bent their knees to him, refusing to see his nakedness, his pathetic need for testimony of his worth, a deep abiding necessity to have those around him who would reassure him of his greatness and cover up his oh so many lies, gaffes, and deliberate misdeeds and hateful words. Senators spewed forth with words of approval and explanation, backed his incompetent and unqualified choices in what they deem a victory to corrupt our judicial system. And much more. So much more!!
     Former top Trump officials have now stated that Trump was delusional. He had no competence or intelligence to properly work these phone conversations, developed none along the way, and thus proved to be a danger, a sure risk to our security. Now, I ask you to remember who has said over and over that this man is a "clear and present danger" to the security of this country and needs to be removed - pronto!!
    Told I was imagining things. Told I was allowing my distaste for this man to overcome my common sense. But now, I tell you, unfortunately, who was right and who remains right. All these officials who now speak out, where the hell were you at the time? Where the hell were you at impeachment hearings? Why did you allow this to remain officially under cover, even as the country under his control was falling into wrack and ruin.       All of you enabled him to sell our country down the river, to have our enemies run rampant over us, to destroy alliances of decades, and worst of all - knowing about bounties issued for the murder of our soldiers - and doing NOTHING - about it. You, and all the others, led by Trump, turned their backs on our veterans, oh so many times, but this has to be the worst. What a disgusting and dangerous and miserable thing to do. What treason! Yes, treason, for what else to call one who conspires with the enemy, enables the enemy, rewards the enemy with policy gifts, even as that enemy is buying the death of our men and women in Afghanistan. What else is that but treason, betrayal? What else?
      But all remains secret in the  Trumpian world of betrayal, hatred, incompetence, greed and corruption. And all the GOP members of both chambers of Congress, but most particularly the Senate, grievously turned their backs on the country. They enabled this traitor to continue to stomp all over  the Constitution, defy the sentiments of the Declaration, that electric document for all time. Thus, all of you are guilty, tarred with the same brush. Overwhelmingly so. And even so, yesterday, you, the Senate GOP, cut out the amendment in a bill, which would have required presidential campaigns to report any attempts by foreign governments to interfere with the election process. Still hiding it. Still condoning treasonous behavior by the president!!!!! Shame on you and more!
    Our country is literally dying, in so many ways. Fauci warns us that we might reach the horrific number of 100,000 cases a day. G-d alone knows how many deaths will come from those numbers as the country's entire health system crashes. We are already, on July 1, over 125,000 dead and over 2.5 million cases. This, in a mere little flu that was supposed to be over by the end of a week or two with maybe one or two infected. Yup, just ask the imbecilic President, the man who apparently could care less about this country.
     This is a man who has survived only because every time he failed, he had his father's money to keep him on his feet and to pay the fees of the lawyers who defended him against all those people he defrauded and skunked! Such a hero. Bankrupt so many times, a failure in Atlantic City, his golf courses in financial trouble and accepting of a world within  that boasted, that reeked of prejudice and nastiness. And then this!!!
     This is a man who treats all women with contempt, even all the way to physical abuse. Even as he toadied up to Putin and Erdogan, Xi, and Kim, he demeaned and attacked, viciously, Merkel and May, two women who are and were successful in their respective careers in Germany and England. This is a man who has no use for his children unless they serve his purpose. Tiffany? Who? Barron? Who? Melania? Swift brain on that one as she knows where and how to butter her bread. All are grist for his mill, the one with the sole purpose of keeping him happy no matter the collateral damage.
    Now the question? Is he merely beyond his very, very limited capacity to function as an intelligent human being? Is he so sickeningly narcissistic that he cannot see beyond his orange hair? Is he truly that dumb that he knows not what he is doing, what he has enabled? Does he truly not understand that his words are shredding this country, making a mockery of our name - United? Does he ever take a look at the facts, at the shrinking 'base' of his, watch his own face as he rants and raves, spews forth dangerous garbage, or watch the faces of his audience members as they stand there looking like poleaxed steers, the best audience for him?
     So here is the main question. At this point I do not see any other way to proceed other than to reach the conclusion that he is indeed a traitor to our country, committing traitorous deeds, knowingly and/or unknowingly. Was he fully conscious of all this? Quite frankly, I believe so. He has the cunning found within a person who is sociopathic, caring for no one other than himself, having no idea as to empathy, sympathy, caring and loving behavior. Quite frankly, I believe he deserves a perp walk. So do many others, but what a well deserved sight that would be, to see him arrested for being a traitor, removed for being a clear and present danger, and then either the psychiatric hospital for life, with other disturbed criminals, or jailed for the rest of his miserable life. He deserves this and nothing else.
     How we have reached this point is to tell the story of a shameful period in our history. It is one that coats us with a slime difficult to explain or remove. So many of us apparently lost our minds and faith in the right and the just, and turned to a would be wannabe dictator and tyrant, who ruled by dictats, by Executive Orders, and one by one destroyed the levels of federal justice. We lost our way. Full disclosure - no, I did not and would never vote for this man. I already felt deep into my head, heart and soul, how much of a bad man in the fullest sense of the term, that he is. Nothing else.
     This is what we will be atoning for over the next decade or two, if we can even do that. So badly has this man turned back the clock of harm. Want to be well, want to be safe? See this man and his acolytes for what they are and vote them the hell out of office. Hound them with calls, emails, tweets, letters, whatever, until they understand where they have failed as Senators, politicians and Americans. Get out there and VOTE!
     What to do till the elections? I think he needs to be removed pronto, but I am certainly not up on all the details and certainly the chickens of the Senate will never allow this, for then their guilt, their actions as accessories, all will be revealed and they cannot abide that. So, guess we will have to survive four more months till we show him how we reject him and all he and his stand for. But then we must keep strict watch over those such as McConnell, who will use the remaining time as lame ducks to further damage the fabric of this country, further thwart the idea of any progress, of any justice, of any unity.
     May G-d bless us all, for we certainly need that blessing.

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