Thursday, July 16, 2020


     And here I am, planning to write a different posting, when BOOM! Even the knowledge that I had Mary Trump's and John Bolton's book , all ready for enjoyable? frightening? reading over the weekend, could not stop the aggravation and the fear. The direction our country is taking, the wrong turns the supposed leaders have taken, well, if they do not keep you up at night then something, I hate to tell you, is very much wrong with your thinking process and understanding of our perilous situation. Never before have we been in such a hanging off the cliff, existentially threatening moment, even during the Civil War, for then at least we had a group of  governmental leaders who were supportive of our republic. Now? Feh!! Now, the leader on high is a traitor, no other word to express its depth of danger, and the rest of them follow along like recently found lost lambs who huddle around their master even as he kicks the *&%# out of them!
     What else is there, how else to think when these are the current activities of the day. The CEO of Goya, a company which relies heavily on a Latino following, praises the hell out of this demented and dangerous president. Such a leader- not!! He falls over himself in his efforts to praise and suck up. In return, he gets a nauseating pose of Ivanka masquerading as a model for a Goya ad, quoting the company's own message. Yup! Everything is for sale in this White House. Integrity? That ship has gone down long ago. Greed, corruption, quid pro quo? All over the new ship of state manifest.
     But we are not done. Fox, emboldened by their supportive chief fascist in office, keeps on Nick Cannon and his show. Right after the most awful revival of every historical falsehood that reeks of anti Semitism, that smell of the blood spilled because of them, Cannon then spouts off some written for him set of oh so sorry lines and he is fixed! Yup, okay, once again, ad infinitum, to trash the Jews, to put them in harm's way, to encourage the hatred, the violence, to conveniently forget that oh, yes, - words can kill!! Is it difficult now to understand why so many Jewish citizens are checking their passports, making sure they are valid? From the right and the left - we are sitting once more on the edge of a crumbling cliff.
     A lovely touch, someone mentions the fear of a secret set of voters, a thought I had just mentioned to someone the other day. These are people with enough understanding to realize that voicing their support for our homegrown Hitler would shame them, cause dissension, shut up about their plans to vote for him. And here we go on a truly slippery ramp to perdition. Again! 
     And where are the voters who plan to support Biden? Locked out of polling places, waiting in long and dangerous lines, for hours, into wee hours of the morning of the day after, denied mail-in ballots, ripped from the rolls of eligible voters. Or trapped in places where they are sheltering, far away from their registered address, and mail-in ballots are scarce as hen's teeth! Yup, America today! How far we have fallen.
     Taking a lesson from the past, a bad lesson, the political appointees in the federal government are now being questioned vigorously, as to their loyalty to not the country, for why ask that when the President himself is not. What is their loyalty to Trump, the evil master, about their plans, their hopes and goals - all the better to insure that we, the people, go to hell, and take along with us the Declaration and the Constitution. And here we all sit, reassuring ourselves that our institutions will stop him. Really? The Senate did such a great job on that, did they not? The House Republicans were just as helpful. The judicial system is corrupted, rife with fractures and chasms, into which true justice has fallen, with a corrupt Attorney General and judges of the federal bench who belong back in law school to truly learn the law, about justice, the difference between legality and morality and a person's responsibility towards society. Anyone hear the echoes of history, Germanic sounds, ever growing brighter and clearer visions of raised hands and roaring sounds? Are you afraid yet? You should be. Are you at least worried? If not, get that head out of the sand. We are definitely moving towards the once unthinkable. G-d help us, but that is so.
     Now our data is pouring into the White House and its shills, the new information about the truth of Covid - 19 to be held secret, just like every other fascistic government around the world. The truth is dangerous. Hide it. Cover it up. Lie through the teeth about it. No one is stopping it. Wringing hands does not count.
     Seth Meyers says it better than me. "...the central feature of Trumpism: the proud lack of empathy, the intentional cruelty, inflicting misery on your opponents and disfavored groups just to prove your dominance."   He continues with the following, truthful words as the day is long. "The basic truth here is that Donald Trump just could not care any less about racist police violence, or the coronavirus pandemic or the financial misery tens of millions Americans are currently going through," Meyers said. "And not only that, he's doing everything he can to make the situation worse."   
      We are warned, that there is a new life awaiting us, with old rules and assurances gone by the board. It is up to us to oversee those changes and perhaps salvage the most and the best from our former lives. It will demand great courage, hard work, mammoth effort, and sheer determination to triumph over those who would destroy this country, turn out the lights and return to a new Dark Ages. We cannot allow that. We must not allow that. Well? Safe? Bah! Humbug, unless we act. Dangnabbit? Such a mild substitute for the true words that need to be shouted to the Heavens!  DANGNABBIT!!!  

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