Wednesday, September 23, 2020


       As I returned home from a truly beautiful week with my kids, I wondered at what would be in the coming days. What would be in the coming months is another story, a story of existence and survival, a life changing world and a world possibly changed beyond recognition and possibility of survival. I wonder at the crassness of the GOP as it celebrates the death of a giant, seeing it as an opportunity to truly change the world in a mightily negative and permanent manner. Gold in the death of one who epitomized the promise  and dreams of America. One who epitomized the everlasting struggle of women to obtain their rightful share in and of society. Gold in the opportunity so ghoulishly based on a tragic death, so strongly fought against, mourned by millions, by those who know what America was meant to be, what she is and what could be a disastrous future.

     In the meanwhile, as the Republicans do their perverted and heartless war dance, America mourns its new numbers. Trump says he has done a wonderful job of fighting the pandemic. Excuse me? In what universe? In what dimension? Pence calls it a "heartbreaking moment" but oh, well, "it could be worse!!' Tell that to the one whose loved one died and became the first to die over 200,000 prior victims. Tell that to the 6.8 million infected. Tell the thousands and thousands who are finding out that the effects linger for months, debilitating, life changing, a life now rent with fear and pain. A life where the betrayal of the government, of its perverted leader, Trump, et al, has failed them, to the tune of death and destruction. Imagine the thinking that inspired that sentence. The Holocaust killed off more than 6 million Jews as well as millions of Roms, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, political opponents, but oh well, could have been worse. Could have been the other five million Jews around the world!! So be grateful!!!???

We are told now of zombie storms, coming back to life to wreak more havoc upon people. We then think of zombie humans who without voodoo, come back to a sputtering life in order to rain hurt down upon the earth. They wish to open a gold and copper mine in a pristine area of Alaska, a truly dirty operation, even as they boast of their lines of influence and contact to politicians who will vote on this. More slime!!

We hear of stories that boggle your mind, at the twisted minds that think of these things and the benighted minds that actually believe these lies. Fauci Arrested screamed the headline - but no he wasn't. A fake perpetrated yet anew on the American people, pushing this nonsense of a COVID hoax. Wonder when all those dead victims will arise as zombies for the GOP, Hoping that would be never!!

Even as so many of the country speak out against Trump and his twisted views, Jimmy Kimmel says, “If you don’t register, you can’t vote,” .We are in danger. “It’s hard to believe that we are only 42 days away from Donald Trump refusing to accept the results of the election,”  Think how that sentence should boggle your mindWe are in danger of losing ourselves and our precious rights as Americans. Even as there is a growing concern of vote deprivation and suppression, as record numbers call for voter registration information and help, as disparate figures join together to raise funds for felons who did their time, to pay off debts and thus enable them to vote, we are reminded of that  impending danger, a sword of Damocles hanging over our heads, held up by a fraying cord even as the GOP saw away at it. 

Meanwhile people hold to their oblivion as it serves them well. The ultra conservative religious groups see heaven on earth as new religious rules are imposed on the people of America, despite their own individual beliefs. They regale themselves in songs of greed and joy as they bypass all safety rules and regulations, and the poison of politics inflames the land, killing it. They forget that we are judged, at one time or another, for we have to pay our dues. They are needful of a reminder of that with words from their own books. Here is the Romans 1:29 version of the Genesis warning. "They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, and malice."

So as Trump parades his First Family across the stage, in his never ending attempt to establish his dynasty, people, be aware, very much aware, be alert and be afraid. This kind of 'gold' we do not need. This ghoulish joy at the death of a wonderful person is just so wrong! This kind of zombie story we do not need. Not to worry anyway, for the Walking Dead versions are returning. Be satisfied with that and oppose the real life introduction of a zombie democracy here in America.

And while we are on the subject, we have big troubles here in the Village. It appears that at least some of those stories and rumors about the growing senility and questionable decisions and behavior of and  by David Israel have their kernel of truth. We now seem to have Bob Rivera, the Recording Secretary, assuming the role of the president. All issues should be sent to him, apparently, and he will assign it to the appropriate committee!! Really, Bob, c'mon, I think you are a  good person and care for the Village, but you are not the President and if he cannot or will not perform his assigned duties and fulfill his responsibilities, then he must go, one way or another. One other senile president is enough, don't you think?!

What is needed is the full resumption of meetings as there is plenty of room with social distancing and masks. David is the one holding up these sessions and the true and open UCO that we need. Get real and get honest with yourself and with us. There is nothing in the way of that other than the stubborn denial of reality, the alleged growing dementia of David, and the impossible to understand support of his backers, perhaps reveling in new assumptions of power? I cannot explain nor understand this any more than I can understand or tolerate the support of an evil man such as Trump. Same difference, truly.

Think about your little note there on a blog that is useless, for it posts nothing other than some blurry videos of useless meetings, denied to the residents, pushes opaque government and administration, and leaves us in a sad and bad situation, no planning, no honesty, nothing good. Bob, what is needed is an emergency meeting to replace David and have another election so that we might have a true leader here in the Village who can shepherd our way through a new agreement before we run out of time by MAY to agree to one. We need a thinking and coherent person at the helm who can see clearly what awaits us in the future, what steps to take, who will consult with other CV residents, who will do the right thing or at least try to. What we do not need, though meant in a good way, I assume, is a Recording Secretary exceeding the job qualifications and job description, in lieu of a useless President, detrimental to us all.

People, we need to pull our pants up, tie our laces, put on our thinking hats and get out there and do the right thing. Demand your rights. Demand honesty. Demand transparency. And VOTE! VOTE!! 

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