Monday, September 14, 2020


     To continue with the thoughts of yesterday. As I wrote the posting yesterday, I was working it out at the same time. These are  thoughts which require more thinking. Would we recognize second chances? Would we know what to do? Would we waste them, toss them down the drain or would we all become selfish and grab what we can during those moments?
     I do not know the answers to these questions. They reside within the mind and heart of others. One cannot truly and surely predict the actions of another, only postulate based on other factors. Sometimes we are pleasantly surprised and at other times, well, we look at each other with mouths agape at the results. Who'd a thunk! is the name of that expression.
     Today, in these times, we, the nation as a whole, is being given a second chance. The question here is whether we will reach out and grab it, or will we turn away in mixed emotions. Many of us have great fears as to the future. Will people understand the perils we are facing and these are not the perils of Pauline, to be solved on a weekly basis. These are existential perils, some of which appear to be hidden below ground, the massive berg body of danger.
     Biden spoke at his nomination acceptance that the character of the nation, of the American people, is on the ballot. We are being asked to choose between light and dark, between hope and disaster, a nation divided against itself. We already know that does not work out well, costing too much in blood and darkness, but have we learned from history, have we learned to grab this second chance we are being offered?
     Many of us have turned inwards, We do not want to hear anymore of the politics of the nation. It is too hard, too cutting, too filled with despair. We are reaching inward and outward on a personal basis, looking for our personal second chances and that is a good thing. It staves off disaster and a depth of darkness that would be impossible to overcome. It allows for creative expressions to arise where before there were none. It allows for an individual to reach out to family and friends, to new ways of thinking, a return to sanity and community awareness.
     This, in turn, will hopefully make us understand that the cusp we are on, right now, as a nation,  is not a second chance, but a last one. As the West Coast burns, as people go missing or are incinerated in the fires from Hell, we are approaching a point of no return. Funds have been slashed from environmental programs. Big business and bottom lines of corporations have been treated as sanctified, even as the lives of people have been discounted. As the uber wealthy feast and banquet, the rest of America goes hungry, food insufficient, insecure, children looking at the loaf of bread with hungry eyes and growling stomachs, while parents hang their heads in despair.
     These people do not see second chances around them. They are too busy trying to survive, and we have failed them, failed as a nation in its duties towards its citizens and residents. We have failed to avoid the darkness. We have failed to find the switches for the light to shine again, for the sun to break through the clouds of smoke and ash, for greenery to take over the now dry and lifeless areas of America once more. To truly live by the ethos of America, the words on the Statue that welcomed so many, to honor the Declaration and the Constitution, to be American in the best sense of the word.
    Today, the illegitimate president is busy erasing a future, any second chance we might have. He has brought us down to the level of some piddling third ranked nation, with Russia and China interfering in our most sacred rite of voting, arguing over which person should be elected, and we need to hang our heads in shame - and raise our voice in anger that we have come to this. Ignorant truth denying people who claim to be scientists, even as they deny the truths of science, incompetent and greedy, thieving individuals appointed to positions that enable their power grabs and theft. And a president who cannot find his ass with both hands in bright light - yet has managed to take us along with him in his demented plunge into darkness.
    We do have a second chance, or rather a last chance. As much as many of us have taken the opportunity to grab that personal second chance, we now need to reach out further, to grab the last chance of our nation. No, Biden is not perfect. No one ever said he was or is. But he is manifestly not Trump. That alone is the weight on the choice. Not Trump. Not the path of destruction, but the difficult path of reconstruction, of reunifying the nation, of detoxing the poison in  the veins and arteries of our nation. Difficult task, and I am not even sure if we are on time to do that. But we must try. We must not shun and waste this opportunity for if we do, there will be no others. No second chances for anyone. Not even America, for she will be no more. Not in her true essence. What to do? VOTE!! Vote for hope. Vote for a future. Vote for light rather than darkness. Vote for a new age of Renaissance rather than another Dark Ages. VOTE!!

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