Wednesday, September 16, 2020


      - until they weren't! And if my aunt had .....well. we all know how that one goes, do we not? Need more to clarify? Ok, and if wishes were horses..... See, wishes and lies and false speech ala Trumpian style, do not make something that is not nor ever was, into something that existed, other than in someone's twisted and deluded mind.
     Need more? Not a problem. Not at all, unfortunately. So..."We're going to be okay and it's going away without the vaccine." Uh huh. And all cows are born with two heads! Same difference, folks, lies out of thin air and the tragedy? People believe these outrageous statements, ignoring the very facts, the very reality that has hit us all so hard. You are still unconvinced, still hanging onto the self boasts of his, the moronic and dangerous statements that fly out of his forked tongue mouth? Here goes again.
     "Sure, with time it will go away." Away where? Into the bodies and the brains of those who do not wear masks, do not social distance, or the bodies and brains of those poor innocents who obey the safety precautions but are caught and hurt, perhaps even killed - yes, killed - by the criminal - yes, criminal - behavior of those who could give a damn, following the broken mind of a man who speaks of "herd mentality" rather than herd immunity. Such is the state of his mind, and the minds of so many of his supporters. Such is their complicity in manslaughter as so many fall under the scythe of their ignorance. The individual stops thinking, stops having any independent thoughts, refuses to do just that tad of research to find the truth. That, my friends, is a herd mentality, and that, combined with a myth of herd immunity, one that will take even more hundreds of thousands of lives, infect millions, yes, millions, more, well, sign up at the door of the closest GOP office near you and perhaps you might get a full dose of that herd mentality!
     According to the Demented One, the dangerous one, he "up played" the virus and his response, in direct contradiction of his own words, on tape, that he down played it. Well, so what do you believe? Hard to follow, you say? No, it is not. Just follow the bouncing ball over the figures, the ones that state we have over 6.5 million infected, 195,000 dead, growing apace, doing oh so very well, thank you, says Trump and his liar appointees, and hey, what a triumph! We will be the leaders once more as we cross over borders of numbers that were and are still unthinkable, unacceptable, yet there it is. Things were going so well, right - until they were not. 
     Oh, and must not forget the truism of his that kids do not get it, but if they do, they do not die. Go tell that to the parents of the almost 400,000 kids who were infected and the over 121 kids who died - and do not forget the growing numbers as schools are reopened to in person learning, greatly urged on by Trump ad his quacks. who accuse others of plots and all sorts of fantastical behavior. Watch those numbers as they rise each and every day. So, guess things are going so very well there, are they not!!
     We come across as deluded, as hopeless, as helpless, as not knowing what to do, as the leaders of Europe and the world were during their Middle Ages time of plagues. We are reaching out to levels that are what. going to rival those of the huge 1918-19 Spanish flu epidemic? Such achievement! Going great! And not to forget to add to the pot the oncoming flu season, and always  a fight to get people to take the damned shot!! Think these itty bitty critters care a whit about your political benighted beliefs. Think they are 'Trump scared' of approaching you, either of these critter families? Well, guess again. Come up with the correct and life saving answer. Not that hard. Not really.
    We are told to think what was and what needs to be in the future. Well, that is exactly correct - what was, before 2016, was a country that had made great progress in revitalizing a 2008 shocked economy. It was working on medical care for all, for safety net programs, for environmental protection and for what happens when those safety regulations are voided - look up fires- California, Oregon, Washington, or check Flint, Michigan, for water issues or increased earth tremors in fracking territory. The list of possibilities are endless, unfortunately, and of course, do not forget our rising seas, our flooding rivers, our drought parched territories and just think a tad, ruminate somewhat, and I am positive so many other areas of concern will arise. And no, raking leaves in forests will not do the trick! We had a country paying attention to historical errors, working on it, welcoming new immigrants, not sterilizing women or throwing kids to the wolves, so to speak. Yes, and what is, well, it is exactly what it is - to our ever growing shame.
     This man, the ostensible president of ALL Americans, concedes that he just cannot tolerate  Democratic members or affiliates, feels they are just too foreign for him, not really sure if they come under the heading of Americans. When asked about that, reminded that he was the president of ALL Americans, read his response, oh so telling. And people,  understand, that once a group, any group, is singled out for negative attention, well, the rest will follow. Brown people, Black people, White people who simply do not get that man and his followers, Jews, political opponents - oh, Democrats? All follow and fall into the hell of a despotic country, with all the trimmings of tyranny. Think not, well, think again, look around at the world today. Just do not look Mother Nature or Father G-d in the eye, for mind me, they are MAD, oh so ANGRY at us!
     Back at the ranch, about being president to all, well, hoist by his own petard, here are his very words in answer to the posed question and reminder. Democrat-run states are the ones that are doing badly, George," Trump said. "Look, I'm the president of everybody but -- I don't want to say it -- the Democrat-run cities. It is what it is."
     And oh yes, from the horse's mouth, or the ass's, for that matter - it is what it is, a portent of a miserable future and a very poor present, to say the least.
    I could go on all day without running out of the perils of Donald, the Pauline of today, the one who persists in bringing on his own dangers and existential threats, telling huge whoppers, and blaming all others for the inevitable and tragic failures that result. 
    And oh, no! Just read the sun is starting  a new solar cycle with oh such goodies awaiting us. Oy vey!
     Go vote! Help the country. Help the world. Help yourself. Help your loved ones. Go Vote!!

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