Monday, September 21, 2020


      Words cannot convey the emotions. They cannot convey the horrific possibilities that await us. Words cannot but express a fraction of the roiling emotions of so many at the passing of such an icon. It will be many a year until we have an equal, or one who approaches equality, and if Trump and the rest of the troglodytes have their way, there will never be such an individual. Why? Because that man and his demented, spineless, valueless cohorts will confirm an appointment of one of too many backwards thinking people to try, mind you, to try, to replace RBG. Impossible! Truly so.

     Meanwhile, here we are in a battle of words with an existential ending awaiting us. Either we wait and do the right thing, or we totally stomp upon America and its citizens. The GOP, Trump and McConnell, in particular, have thrown aside all formats, all even hints, of following rules and traditions, have climbed to the highest rung, or should it be the lowest rung, of hypocrisy, stepping all over their own behavior and tripping on  their forked tongues, as they rush to nominate a candidate, confirm, and change this country for the next 50 years and beyond. Never mind, they say, about Garland. Never mind, they say, about Kavanaugh. Never mind the overwhelming loss of decency, of 'Americaness' that their behavior means.

     We will turn into a tyrannically run country. We have one such tyrant, Orban, endorsing Trump! Wait a minute! Endorsing Trump? Once again, we have fallen to the rank of those tiny little countries at the beck and call, the toy, of other nations. We, America, have 'achieved' that embarrassing station in life. And make no mistake about it, for if we continue on this path, woe upon us. Words? There are none strong enough to express what that means.

     Need to see dancing in the streets? Do not even bother to turn on the TV. Just look outside your window and see the crude and thoughtless supporters of Trump shouting, "Fill that seat", with voluminous glee. with malicious joy, as they contemplate and react to the death of a tiny giant, an icon to and of the world, to thinking people here in America, and particularly to women. 

     The role she played in our lives, in bettering this country, in being a role model for the people of this nation - just watch the growing and spontaneous crowds that gathered at the steps to the Supreme Court. There was no dancing, no chanting, only sorrow and recognition of the huge loss we have suffered. And it truly is a blow to us and our hopes of turning back the tides of destruction we have welcomed in with the advent of Trump.

     How does one compare these two. Trump was dancing on her grave as he reveled in the chant. It did not happen fast enough for him! RBG expressed herself with dignity, all the time. Trump states that he does not trust the results of the election - that is if he loses, but should he manipulate it enough, as in via the USPS, then oh, sure, it is fine. The mere thought that he will fight an election - whoa! Dramatic and dangerous. Placing yet another puppet of his, another backwards individual who remains in the Middle Ages, on the Court, insuring an approval for him.  The recognizing of the danger to all of us, for no one is immune in a dictatorship, well, what words can I use to express the sorrow, the risk, the peril to us all.

     All this while we continue to lose people to the scythe of the virus. Still, people were calling it a hoax, resisting safety efforts, - until suddenly no longer a hoax, but a slayer of their loved ones, who fell before this enemy in droves. No longer a political hoax, but too late for these people to have realized and accepted it. So now they mourn their dead ones and the toll rises over 200,000 with more to follow. In March, Trump's empty yet dangerous words played it all down, saying nah, it would never even reach 100,000 - as we stand to pass double that today.

     Folks. I have no more words today. I have no words to express my grief at the passing of RBG. I have not enough words of power and strength to express my fears for this country, for the world, and yes, selfishly, if you will, for my family, for my own little personal world.

      Only one word might pull this out from the approaching fires. VOTE!!!! FOR G-D'S SAKE, FOR OUR SAKE, FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR CHILDREN, FOR THE FUTURE - VOTE!!!!

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