Wednesday, October 14, 2020


      Not to worry. Though theaters around the country have long ago shut their doors, dimmed their lights, mourned the lost season, the theater of the absurd is alive and well in DC. Need to check on that? Not a problem. I refer you to the confirmation 'hearing' of Barrett for Supreme Court Justice. Ironically enough, this woman would be a replacement seat filler for the icon Ruth Bader Ginsburg who must be rolling over in her grave at the sight of the latest absurdity of Washington theater.

Swearing she would not be a 'pawn', one could hear the gagging across America. This woman, a 'handmaiden' of her off the wall Christian sect, refuses to state explicitly her beliefs and how they would affect her votes. Really? She who says that it is not the job of the Court to right wrongs, but to obey and uphold the law, would have done very well in Nazi Germany. Those judges also said, maintained, that they were doing their job, upholding the law, following the rules, and it was not their job to determine the morality or immorality of the Nazi laws. Their consciences were clear as their Jewish colleagues and neighbors were beaten, robbed, tortured, dragged off to the forests to be shot, to the ghettos to be starved and to the death camps to be exterminated. But the laws were upheld. A pat on the back!

So, to wit, Dred Scott is still a slave and so are his descendants. Women's suffrage can be recalled, canceled. Discrimination can be legally allowed. All safety regulations can be rolled back for they are not 'upholding' the letter of the law as seen through the distorted glasses of Barrett and her GOP Senator supporters, along with every bigot in the country. And oh, no, she has nothing to do with Trump, because, as the GOP Senators state, Trump is too dumb to understand all the issues. Excuse me? This is the man they are backing maniacally for President? Theater of the absurd, alive and well, in a very sick country with diseased leaders at the helm, in danger in  the most storm ridden waters of all time.

Trump, the man who never grew up, now seeks to find love out there. Evidently, Melania is quite upset with him, so he seeks elsewhere. He begs the suburban women to "love me"  - and there it is again, the gagging across America. "Suburban women, will you please like me? Please. Please. I saved your damn neighborhood, OK?" Is that a statement from a person who should be a President of a diverse nation? Nope, this is the one who needs some remedial education courses touching on the history of the world and the dangers and perils of blocked vision that is overwhelmed by hatred, bias, prejudice and the outcomes and effects of those poisonous beliefs and actions.

As for America, well, it sits there wondering what will be with a packed Supreme Court full of bigots, of backward thinking men, of a woman who feels she is subordinate to men, their handmaiden, as they push their agenda of hatred, of backwardness, of poverty inducing laws, of bias so blatant that once again we will be the leader of the world - in the wrong way!

This theater of the absurd has moved out of the theaters of the nation, out of the increasingly tainted courts rife with newly appointed Republican backed incompetents and worse, and into the streets and lives of us all. So, go, shop early, go nuts over Amazon et al super bargains, spend the money one does not have in the frantic hamster manner of trying to forget that we are all now theater of the absurd captives and victims. That is, unless we wake up, walk out, demand our money back, and vote to shut down this off off off off Broadway absurdity.

The major way to do that right now is to get out there and VOTE. Vote early. Vote with a confidence that it will be counted by going to the polls or bringing in your ballot yourself. Do not wait until the last moment. Do not wait for Trump to impose or attempt to impose his version of a twisted America. Do not give in to this very dangerous, existentially dangerous, theater of the absurd, the theater which promises, or threatens, to wipe America off the maps and install AmeriKa in its place. Then, no more arguments re the ballots, the voting, only the happiness of the GOP Senators and backers as they are marched off to their own brought about condemnations and punishments as they refused to think, to think hard and caved in to their most base and vile needs and desires, gave up on thinking and turned traitors to the ideals, history, and ethos of this nation. And reaped their end themselves. There is no loyalty in a Trumpian world of the absurd.

Vote, people, vote. It is desperately important. Let us be sure to rescue our country, rescue even the benighted ones who cannot see the truth, who cannot see the theater of the absurd in which they play the fools. We need to open their eyes and their minds, to ream out their ears so they can hear and distinguish the lies from the truth. So VOTE. There is no other way other than tragedy and war. No one wants that - I hope. But in this living absurdity - who the hell knows.

Let us be all Americans once more, Let us be America again. Let us be able to view this era, this Trumpian distortion, as a blip in history, a short time when America went off the tracks, but quickly righted itself, turned itself around, reinstated humanity and the right paths and guides, and became the leader of the world once again.

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