Tuesday, October 20, 2020


      Think about it. How many masks do we have to shed if we are to discover and uncover the truths we so desperately need to find? How many masks in terms of coverups and fake accusations do we need to rip off and reveal? How many mask wearing stories must we hear before we understand that those who refuse to wear masks in public are out looking for trouble, to gain publicity or attention, and are, plain and simple, guilty, at the very least of manslaughter, as they expose one and all to the dangers of the contagion and effects of COVID. How many more stories about the horrors of this virus must we hear before we unmask those who are so anti social, so twisted, that they will argue politics over a small piece of life saving cloth?

Not enough, we have the name calling emanating from the TV chair of the WH where the chief idiot in residence calls out others in the government, such as Fauci, naming them as idiots, as people who fight against his wisdom and his wonderful pandemic handling. That, as the numbers rise, as his own pandemic fighting apparatus is convulsed with internal bickering, to the detriment of our entire population. Unmasking the truth here is so clear and yet so ignored. "All these idiots who got it wrong" - the words of Trump, even as he ignores the idiot in the mirror, surrounded by other babbling fools.

Even as people are dying, sickening with the virus, there is a growing determination of people to get their vote in. Dying people make sure they cast their final vote. A 94 year old woman caught up in the idiocy of mail in ballots, is so determined to have her vote count, that her devoted son drives a 600 mile round trip to enable that to take place. People lined up in Florida yesterday, braving crazy winds and rains - to vote, to unmask the hidden truths, to unmask the wrong turns we have taken, have enabled, and to unmask a good and proper road map to return to sanity and safety. To value unity and harmony, civility and trust once again.

Meanwhile we have the continued efforts by the GOP to throw masks over the truth once again. Not satisfied with the dirty trick re emails and Clinton in the last election, they are now trying to present a blaring falsehood re Biden and his son, pushing a hoped for last minute blow against the Democrats. Once again they are aided and abetted by a weird Giuliani and an open agent of the Russian government. And these "patriots" run with it, doing Putin's biding like good little traitors and fools. Who are the idiots now, we might ask? But we already know the answer to that question, only hoping that enough people know the truth behind the masks of these liars and troublemakers, behind those who stand for more disasters awaiting us with, G-d forbid, another Trump/GOP term. If that were to happen, kiss this country goodbye.

Will people realize the truth behind the masks of the GOP and their rhetoric? Doubtful for many. When you have seemingly normal, of average brain intelligence, people, fall for the outrageous lies of QAnon, then one begins to wonder. Is it the water, the air we breathe, the plastics in our food, or a mysterious virus that affects the thought process? For people to hear and believe stories of deep state conspiracies, of child peddling, by conspiracy plots galore, all to take down their hero, Trump - well, one can lose hope. How do such blatant lies, such outrageous accusations, pass into the mainstream? Got me! My advice? Stay away from the GOP and stay away, turn off the media, when these QAnon stories come out - and stories they are, masks of lies that damage us all. 

The American people need to rip off the hideous coverings that have grown over the truths of life, the truths of the evil of this administration, over the disasters that have taken place, grown worse, and still await us with more dangers, threats to life and limb - of the people and the nation.

So put on your life saving masks, don the mask of sanity and hope, of determination to turn this country around, and vote to rip off the ugliness of the masks of lies, of corruption, of inhumanity and disasters. VOTE, MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT. VOTE!!!!! NOW IS THE TIME.

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