Sunday, November 29, 2020


     What is it that really matters? Probably everything at one time or another, though much of the "mattering" is temporal, fleeting, though of critical importance at the time. Especially to the individual. An example of such would be the anxiety dialed up into the stratosphere when one has to take a major qualifying test. That anxiety begins to fade as soon as the last bubble or essay is finished. Done and over, cannot undo and it is out of one's sphere of worthy worrying over items.

  However, there are things and concepts worth worrying over. Such a concept is integrity. We are told by an embattled Republican that "Integrity does matter." And he stuck to his guns. Finally. A GOP member who decided that it was time to stand free and clear from the lies and madness of Trump. Hopefully, he will stand as an example of courage in a world gone insane, led by insanity rather than humanity, an era where the emperor did not even have to tell people he wore clothes. They imagined it all for themselves.

So Biden won, by the largest popular vote edge ever in our history, but then again, he did not win. Uh uh. Trump won by "a lot" in Trump's own words and deluded mind. That is bad enough, worse, even, when no one in that GOP party, inside that WH, had the integrity to say out loud the word - deranged, demented, insane, lack of reality. The choice was clear, but the choice was never made, as the staffers and Party members became part and parcel of the shame, of the horrifying scenario we presented to the world. Integrity was invisible.

Now we need the return of integrity to the nation. Enough of this nonsense. Two idiot women, of course with FOX ties, made this insane and inane statement.  "Voter fraud is: impersonating people at the polls, false registrations, duplicate voting, fraudulent use of absentee ballots, buying votes, illegal assistance at the polls, ineligible voting like illegal aliens voting, dead people voting, altering the vote count, ballot petition fraud. Those are some of the fraudulent activities,"  Every single one of these supposed pathways to fraud cannot take place and certainly while errors might happen, it is nigh unto impossible to do this on a mass scale and do so in such a restricted way as to cherry pick one candidate and not affect the down slate. It is just nonsense. 

Dangerous nonsense. Poisonous to our democracy, our trust in our supposed to be guiding principles, and just not able to be implemented. I worked polls and know that, know the safeguards, know the poll workers who come out, work hard, and aid in the  most basic of all rights- the right to vote in a free and clear election. The right to trust in that truth.

So enough with that. The votes were cast, the die was cast, and now we have enough problems in reality to deal with. Predictions are being made of 4,000 deaths a day and G-d alone knows the total bottom line by the time the vaccine is fully ready, distributed, and works with no serious side effects - like death! It also needs the trust of the people in this vaccine, despite all the lies of the prior President, all the filthy politics that went into this program along with all the neglect and incompetence. Trust. Integrity. So important and so noticeably absent these past four years.

So why the continued belief in the fake reality ginned up by the deluded and enabled man? Because people are lacking the courage and integrity to admit they made a mistake. They chose the wrong dude, fell for his tricks, became part of the unthinking mob, searching for an answer, an easy one, for targets to scapegoat - and now, to admit that failing  ...  well, that is hard to do. But it must be done if we are to return to being one nation, one America. Then, and only then, can we look towards victory in the war against the pandemic, victory and success in helping people now going hungry and homeless and hopeless and fixing our economy, reversing the damage done to us all in every which way by the prior administration. Integrity needs to rule.

We must not forget, however, the integrity that has gone missing in the local areas. Here in CV we are seeking integrity from UCO under every rock and clump of grass. We are finding very little, as integrity loses the daily battle there. What are they doing there? What decisions are they making that will screw us short and long term? Where does one go for information as we are blocked from UCO. Why are we not using Zoom? 

When and how are the elections to be held with David Israel and henchmen refusing to have assemblies and meetings, blaming it on COVID. Wrong, so wrong, especially when proper rules and spacing are so possible and the theater is now open!!. Yet the chief liar, the chief integrity-less one there, persists in office and the deluded keep voting him in, by smaller and smaller margins, but still there. Yet there is some hope, as more and more people are talking of his troubled behavior and statements but what about this year's election? Finally, the information is in that propaganda rag, the Reporter, and separated by ads. Brilliant!!

As far as we know right now, the only things going on in UCO are investigations, hanging out, eating lots of our paid for candy, idling and lolling around, the work falling on the few who value integrity, and of course, the barrier building of Fausto. Great, thanks for volunteering for that, but is that the best use of your time? Surely there are many here who can do that, the woodworking shop is now open and perhaps now is the time to open this Village again, open UCO, open elections, have some integrity in ongoing form and for the benefit of the Village.

 Infrastructure. The new Agreement? The schedule for opening the Village? Refunds of rent money for buildings we could not use - a la the Millennium Agreement? Crumbling roads and walkways and wasting of more money in piecemeal manner, done and brought to you by the very same people who screwed us the last paving job. Why, that would be David Israel! Who else? What is going on with the golf course property? What will be with the drainage should a development be built? What will be with the toxic dust? Where the hell is UCO and its officers?

Right now we have Ed Grossman fighting the good fight. Let us send in Olga Wolkenstein to work with him, as VP. She knows the agreements cold, knows what the Village needs, is a long time and experienced Village resident and member of UCO. Run for office. Run for Executive Board. Demand answers. Demand input. Demand accountability. Demand integrity. 



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