Wednesday, November 25, 2020


      The CDC and every governmental organization possible have warned against travel on the holidays. The airports have been almost abandoned throughout the year. So why now are thousands, thousands, flying home against all medical advice and seeming saner decisions. 

Why? Because they are going home. No matter how long they have lived away, no matter the distance in years, or in life growth, one is always going home for the holidays. One is home  for the duration of the visit and even reverts to old behaviors and habits much of the time. That pull of going home never seems to abate.

However, going home is not always as easy as getting on a plane and hugging the family members awaiting you at the airport or standing at the doorway of your childhood home. There is a mental and emotional need that must be felt as well. That, my friends, is the going home feeling that I am frightened for, concerned about, wondering and musing if it will ever return to our country, to its population. Will the warmth of welcoming greetings ever resound again on the airways, in the printed lines, of the various media modes or will we have continued growth of anti-home feelings, "news" websites such as NewsMax, a horrifying development, an impediment to that going home feeling developing.

As the unhinged one, the deranged and demented One, keeps chugging along in his oh so damaged engine, wondering, indeed, if it can, if it is even capable of thinking "I can", the home feeling, the connection to it, is frayed even more. Thousands, no, millions, are still stuck in that alien place, that no man's land, where home has been placed beyond reach, due to their own rejection of it, and where there is no welcoming substitute on the other side of this cheerless, dismal, and hopeless place.

What is it that has so many still stubbornly, against their own good, clinging to the hate filled statements, the demented actions, the lying statements of Trump? What makes them reject the findings by educated, smart people,  even many Republican judges, and follow that dangerous clown? What makes them ignore the newly discovered spines of the GOP Congressmen and women who are slowly, slowly, emerging from their moral mouseholes to which they retreated lo these many a year - five, to be exact.

It is normal and sane to wish to have a safe place, a home, where one can always find acceptance, yet seemingly these stubbornly bewitched people want that feeling gone, feel validated by clinging to that harmful  attitude. Biden must help bring them back into the fold. We must remind all that opposition, discussion, is great, part of America and its fabric as a country, but anger and enmity among fellow Americans rather than comity, is a major no-no. It will be a long and difficult road to follow, or even reestablish, but there is a worthwhile symbolic pot of gold at the successful completion of its construction.

We must also remember that many others have felt unwelcome in this raw and ugly America of the past five years, the one that is threatening to continue on even after a defeat. I, for one, am one of those. For four years I have not recited the pledge, remaining standing, but silent. I have not sung the national anthem. Why? Because I felt my home had left me. My home had turned on me, turned into a frightening place where people who shouted hate slogans were deemed fine people, where lies were seen as truth, where fabrications grew daily in intensity and power. Where too many were dead and/or dying, physically, emotionally, due to the crazed and inimical actions of the dangerous Trump administration and the lack of action on too many fronts.

I, and many others, are now beginning to feel that pull of home once again. We can overlook the dying voices of hate, push back against them, and convince these self destructive others to join the return home, to feel the pull of America as she is supposed to be, as she will be once again, as sanity returns. As truth returns. As diversity and inclusiveness return and are valued. As America takes her place once more in the ranks of world nations.

Welcome home, Americans. Welcome home, America. Feel the fresh and revitalizing breezes. Begin to trust again as  we shut down destructive environmental actions, replace safety regulations, keep the natural beauty of our lands, care for those in need, erase the shameful giant lines of people needing food aid to celebrate a day of thanksgiving. That is just so wrong. Work together to reopen this country and the world, safely, in harmony, with as few deaths as possible, with cooperation and success working together to combat and defeat this pandemic, and prepare for, G-d forbid, any others coming down the pike.

We can do so much together, in comity, in positive steps and words, turning aside the acid that has burned its way through the American Dream. Welcome home, America, on the eve of Thanksgiving Day. Welcome home for a day of thanksgiving, a day of national thought, a day of celebration - and mourning of those who cannot share this day with us. Let us all be thankful that we have this new opportunity, this new chance to return home. To prevent more unnecessary deaths.




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