Monday, November 23, 2020


      That is the name being given to those people suffering from long term effects of COVID-19. That makes it even more astounding as one ponders the fact that of all the people of the WH and its environs who were tested positive, designated as having the virus, all got well, all had supposedly minor or asymptomatic status. Such an astonishing statistic! So, why is that? Could it be that these people received Regeneron and all experimental medicinal aid, much more than the average Joe Schmo who lay there at home or in ICUs across the country, suffering, dying, alone? Just sayin'. Just askin'. A question for thought and what that tells us about the thinking of this swampy, elite, cold group of people?

But there is a far more serious post acute syndrome and today is the day to bring it up, to remind us all of what once was, what affected one small sixth grader, her classmates and indeed, an entire generation of  the young. Altruism, generosity, responsibility, patriotism and service to the nation and the world. This is what the young ears of the time heard, all emanating from the mouth and brain of JFK, a most charismatic figure and a genuine hero of WWII. I still treasure his autograph, his signature, in ink, on a letter to me along with a huge bundle of information, a letter which encouraged me to continue with my interest in the issues of the day, to serve with generosity, to love the country and the people. And all I was, was a sixth grader seeking some information as I was to represent him at our classroom debate during the election campaign season.

The personal attention, the charisma, the brilliant and inspiring words, and okay, it did not hurt that he was handsome! Even when his steps with clay feet at times emerged, his importance to us remained, bright, shiny and whole.

And then it happened, on an ordinary Friday in November, 1963, on an ordinary Presidential trip to Dallas, Texas. There, on that ordinary day, the axis of the world shifted, never to return to what it was. Oh, there was an attempt to harness good will and enthusiasm under Obama, a temporary uniting of the nation after 9/11, but that all disappeared into the maw of increased and encouraged hatred by people who should have known better, and indeed did know better, but liked their political edges and positions a whole lot more. Thus, screw the nation became the unspoken mantra.

We heard the term Camelot in reference to his short time in office. We quote him to this day. His grave in DC is visited by every class tour group and by foreign visitors from all over the world. He is, was, and always will be, a hero, an inspiration to all. To all who care, that is. To all who eschew the selfishness and partisanship of today's politicians, particularly the GOP. That group has certainly had huge gulps of the Trumpian juice, the one that curdles the  souls and hearts of those who partake of it.

Today, straight from the headlines, we hear embarrassing, travesty, scandal, over the top, crude, insane and deranged, and are told by a Michigan small person how one has to have "all the facts" before certifying. This straight from the mouth after speaking and pressured by Trump, a travesty in itself, a most undemocratic move by Trump, but then again, no shock there at all. The sad fact is that all the facts are in, all there, all in the open, no matter how many times a ridiculous recount is performed, for the numbers either do not change or change in statistical insignificance, unable to change results - Joe Biden won. Joe Biden is the President-elect and no, Trump did not win. If one were to see a photo of him as he was driven to his eternal golf games, even as the world's leaders were discussing a unified approach to the pandemic, that picture captured his insanity, a face that could give one nightmares, knowing he was a "leader".

We are all suffering post acute syndrome in our political life. I think the nation never recovered its innocence, its drive for perfection, for rapid improvement, certainly not to the degree that was then. When RFK followed, and was joined in death by the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., well, the tentpoles collapsed, the medicine stopped working, and the syndrome set in. And the country, its people, and the world were all the worse for it.

So yes, maybe in some important ways I am still that sixth grader, awed by that President, awed and flattered that I represented him and that he took the time to connect with an insignificant non-voter. Would that I could have voted. Would that we could have an election with another JFK. Instead we have a country ravaged by a madman, an evil person, yes, evil, and his enablers, all his cowards, sniveling and kowtowing all the while. And in opposition we have a gentle man, an elderly man, as is Trump, but with a functioning and sane brain, a man who wishes to reunite this country, to roll back the damage done by Trump - to the people, to the environment, to all that we hold dear, hold sacred, hold to be true values of America and Americans. And I hope and pray that within his heart, mind and soul, rest the memories and inspiration of JFK that he must have felt at that time.

It is that surviving idealism, that perhaps naivety, that hope, that remains within, that further aggravates the situation. How did we get here? How did the nation fall apart like this? How did we allow hatred to become the mantra, the guiding principle for so many? And how did we allow this sourness, this rottenness , to filter down to the local levels as well. 

Is there any politician out there who can claim clear recognition as a JFK follower? Is there anyone out there that can drive such good and unselfish motivations, inspire the kids rather than turn them off with nasty moves, with cynicism and greed?  Few and far between, if they can even be found.

That cynicism, that selfishness, that uncaring attitude, that demented desire to keep hold of the reins, and never mind the damage done to others, to the living space of so many people, well, all that is alive and well here within the Village, and concentrated so strongly in David Israel and his operational philosophy. What we need are ideals. What we need is to dredge up the remainders and reminders of JFK, of the leaders of the time, and do our jobs. Run for office. Demand answers. Ask the questions. Demand participation. Demand transparency. 

Demand that the finances of the Village are made known and clear, and explained, including why we are paying an enormous amount of resident funds for candy for the UCO office? Must we feed all the bad habits of this place? Can we find no other uses for our funds? Roads, painting, infrastructure, fencing and security, responsible government and fair elections, and the list is et alia!

So today, the anniversary of that terrible day, November 23, 1963, when the sky fell on us, remember just that bit of inspiration and idealism that remains within you. We were passed the torch - and we dropped it. Worse, we let it die until there are only small surviving embers, waiting to be reignited, before it is too late, even as the clock runs out on that opportunity. Remember his injunction to do for the nation, rather than demand what we want, seek all that we can get.

Let us shake ourselves, toss off this tragic parody of a government, totally unfit for America. Let us remember today and all that it meant to us. Remember that we can suffer from long term post acute syndrome, and will, from the Trumpian distortion of our country, from David's woeful tactics, but we can correct, we can improve, we can relight that torch. Remember. Hope again.

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