Thursday, December 31, 2020


     Ah, if only the world could turn like the soap opera, always solving each issue even as the next one pops up. Cliff hanging problems are left hanging but for a short time, enough for a season or a fraction of one, but always available to refresh numbers and stats. Pure manipulation in a benign manner, as we all know that this is not real.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, take your pick, we live in a real world where manipulation is not so benign, and indeed, is too often, malevolent in intention and activation. The manipulators often go unpunished, unfazed by their unveiling, the awareness of what they have done just waved away, a mere blip on the road to where they aim to get. Not even a bump is felt as their wheels ride over it.

This soap operatic world of ours is often so bizarre that one has to laugh, even as the tears of frustration and anger roll down the face. Time and again we are presented with pictures of figures running for office accompanied by questionable people. From Trump's pictures with Neo Nazi and White Supremacist figures or women who accuse him of molestation, to Loeffler and her pet Neo Nazi former Klansman - all the while denying they even know the person. Even when called on these glaring bleeps in their campaign life and political beliefs, they wave it off, knowing that no one will care enough to follow up.

Surely the world needs an application of WD40 to its axle and axis if it is to continue to turn, a good turning process, one which keeps us on track, rather than going awry and askew. However, it seems that we do not get and will not get this oil treatment until too late - or maybe it already is. The world does keep on turning and our cliffhangers are not solved so benevolently and promptly as the ones on TV. Would that the population at large would pay as much attention to real life as they do to the TV.

Yet maybe there is a glimmer of hope to be seen if one looks carefully. More than 2.5 million Georgians have voted already in the special Senatorial run off election. The GOP is running scared, bending over backwards, delving  deep into fake sewage in their running scared state of being. Trump joins in wholeheartedly as false non-existent siblings are newly born, false accusations tweeted in insane postings, tired accusations, are repeated ad infinitum ad nauseum, but their madness continues. The biggest threat they feel they have is the one of uh-oh, here comes socialism - this even as the government sends out stimulus checks - socialism in reality. Nor do I sees anyone rejecting those checks on political principles!! Nor do I see the fatcat huge agricultural companies who squashed so many independent farmers turning down the huge subsidies they get from the government. Uh-oh again, for this is socialism in practice yet no one seems to object as they bank those checks.

The world turns round and round, spinning away, almost uselessly at times, as the only thing that changes is actually nothing. The corruption continues. The shocks come at so quick a rate that they lose their impact. The heroic to be trusted Secret Service is found to be contaminated as well by political beliefs and needed to be changed as Biden comes into office. Why? For there was deep tainting of some agents who worked political stances into their responsibilities. With emotions so crazed and electric who knows what they might have done - or not. Tarnished heroes, yet another blackening of a legend of America.

The squeaks grow longer and more agonizing. A hospital worker deliberately, mind you, took out enough vials to inject 500 people, spoiling them, even as the program itself is so slow as to cause one to wonder if the world is turning at all. Or perhaps going in the wrong direction! The amounts of doses are too few, the distribution too slow, the availability simply not there, the planning never truly existed, and systems were never truly thought out as to infrastructure and implementation. So phone systems crash within minutes, people are confused and becoming frantic, and all they get is a "Be patient. Call next week."

All the while, our so not esteemed leader is off to golf every damned day. Swinging that skinny stick which accomplishes nothing for the country, nothing to set the world back on its true axis. Nothing but harm to us, to the people of this country. Instead of cooperation with nations of the world, we set up ironic competitions, putting us at odds with each other at a time when cooperation is so urgently needed.

Brothers and sisters, for under the skin we are all that, we need to work together to put this world back on its proper spin. It will take much hard work, much swallowing of pride, even shame, if we are to do this and do it properly. Can we put aside the soap opera attitudes long enough to do the job? Can we ever relearn the truth, that it matters, that it counts, that it always will be revealed? Can we learn once again that corruption is not good for us. That cronyism, nepotism are poisonous to the system of government of a country? 

We have much to learn and much heaving to get the world to spin properly. Roll up the sleeves, settle down to hard work and we will achieve. We can do this. If we but try. If we but remember when we were once a country united with differing opinions but not crazed enough to slit our neighbor's throat. Turn down the noise and settle down to work. Not rhetoric.


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