Wednesday, December 23, 2020


      I don't know; maybe it's the water? Maybe it is the air we breathe or the food we eat. Whatever it is, it is creating mass circles of contagion, growing every day, and consisting of pure danger to us all. So to what am I referring? Well, first of all, it is not only to what, but also to whom, as this is an evil synergy of both man and nature.

To the obvious. COVID-19, 20, 21 or however many years this thing and its mutations persist in threatening mankind. These types of threats will only grow, a true growth area, unfortunately, as we persists in damaging nature, ruining the environment that we were blessed with, an opportunity to work and live in harmony with it, and the growing bad interaction of mankind and nature in the worst possible ways. Worse than that is that so many continue to insist on their right to ravage Nature, to destroy it, to wreak havoc on the natural order, all in the name of money, of billions in the bank, more houses than anyone needs and more 'stuff' than is sane.

This contagion seems to be growing at exactly a time when the other end of mankind is suffering more deprivation than ever, also a contagion of growing proportions and we all sit around and rotate for so called action  to combat this. We send food, relabel it to sooth certain people, and then the aid gets stolen and sold on the black market while those in need continue to starve, to feel the cold and the heat, to drink and wash in filthy water. The few who genuinely combat all this, well, like spitting into the wind really.

But most of all, worst of all, is the contagion of insanity that seems to be overwhelming in its growth and in its audacity. When before have we allowed madness to exist in our national level of leadership? Yes, there have been nutty and even bad people before, people who spouted evil, but they were mostly not national and mostly faded out or were truly unimportant, American ideals defeating them, even fought a Civil War to defeat the evil.

However, today we have it so much worse. We have a fake president who manifests ever increasingly the signs of madness, of myriad syndromes of mental illness that negate his ability to fulfill his job responsibilities. Even though he now is hunkered down in a royal snit, he continues to wallow in his delusions, even calling in reinforcements, fellow insane people, more and more as the contagion of madness, of insanity clings to the national psyche and grows. Another growth industry, a very dangerous one.

More dangerous, though, is the fact that we tolerate this. We tolerate the words and acts of treason with equanimity all the while we should be out there demanding justice, demanding removal of people seeking to overthrow our legitimate government, to spit on the very Constitution that they swore an oath to serve, to protect, to honor. And I am wrong, for far more dangerous is the contagion spreading even unto the furthest corners of this land, up and down, in all directions, as people drop down out of reality, into a dreamland of jagged mesas, huge chasms, and toxic airs and waters. Where they serve and protect those who would actually do them harm. A delusion so attractive, so tempting, so satisfying to the soul that the mind disengages? I just do not get it. National and individual suicide. Why?

Why do people still tremble before one who plays god, but is not G-d. Why do people give him the power of destruction? Why do they kowtow to him, talking of four years into the future, when by that time, probably even before, he will have truly exposed and fallen victim to his mental problems, perhaps even his physical ones as well, and then what? A replacement in one of his evil children, apparently rotten through and through with the same contagion? What?

When even Pence, yes, the Devil's Spawn, speaks out publicly, no more dead face, no more backroom agreements with the nefarious schemes of Trump, then what is left. Read and hear his words and then tell me there is no contagion! "As our election contest continues, I’ll make you a promise: We’re going to keep fighting until every legal vote is counted,” Vice President Pence said Tuesday at an event in West Palm Beach, Fla. “We’re going to keep fighting until every illegal vote is thrown out. We’re going to win Georgia, we’re going to save America, and we’ll never stop fighting to make America great again. You watch.”

And it does trickle down. We, ourselves, have a supposed leader in CV who is so exactly not that. Whatever qualities he had before, if ever, are seemingly lost somewhere in the shuffle, in the dust and pebbles of the disintegrating roads, in the broken fences and disarray in security, even as we seem to be funding ever bigger and more cars. It is found in the secrecy. Blaring that we were to receive the vaccine in an orderly cooperative effort with the government, we now find him forced to admit that it is a no-go. I knew that it would never be a reality, but the contagion of believing in a person long past his sell by date seems to be found even in the lowest rungs of government.

This man follows the national example of Trump. He, too, is hunkered down, not attending to meetings, not attending to business of the Village, cancelling government for a year already, other than the workings of his little evil cabal, and shouting incessantly and madly at his 'enemies' to get out of UCO, to go away, to never come back, to be denied entry into OUR building!! And then he and others go back to munching on their candies, content to have won the moment again, content like cows in the field, chewing their cuds, even as a storm approaches, and the fields around them wither in the abnormal heat.

We all need help here. We need medical help, scientific help, political help, and help from within our own selves. If we sit around, stand around, ignoring, enjoying or exhausted, giving up, well, then the contagion wins and we lose, manifestly and hugely, lose it all. Wonder if there is a vaccine for sanity, and if not, perhaps a huge effort such as we have done with the vaccine for COVID-19 can be repeated, this time with a different goal in mind, just as needed, just as important, perhaps more so!

Wonder if this will be a 'historical' epic movie twenty years from now - if we survive, if we do not become the reality of a Midnight Sky. I would hate for that to become true. G-d Almighty, but we are in a bad way and where is the cure, the panacea for it all?

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