So you know Donald, that most annoying and least admirable man ever. You might ask who the heck is Rona. She is the diminutive name given to the coronavirus. Why? Beats me. Making it less dangerous, perhaps, less threatening? Stupid, as it is not in the least and continues to remain a huge threat to us and the world at large. Of course, the rest of the world seems to have a quicker reaction and decision time than the USA, and have cornered some of the very scarce vaccine doses that we will need. The race for the citizens of countries has begun and it will not be pretty. Not even the insane Executive Order of Donald, that other countries recognize "America First" will do the trick! Not at all.
But think how similar these two things are. Forces of Nature? Enemies of Mankind? Both are ripping through the world, killing and endangering billions. Both seemingly have no true end in sight, remaining around to continue to wreak havoc upon us. Both are phenomena inimical to the very survival of mankind. And both seem to be highly impervious to attempts to shut them down. Billions around the world wish them away every day, multiple times.
Perhaps, though, we have begun to find the way. Despite all the damage this man continues to rain down upon us, upon Democracy, upon the world, upon decency and humanity, he has a due date stamped and clear. Jan. 20, 2021, this man needs to walk out, be carried out, thrown out, whatever works, but out of the White House whose dignity he has tarnished and demeaned lo these past four years.
Not soon enough. Nor do I like hearing talk of not prosecuting him for federal offenses in the name of unity. People must learn that there are consequences and stupidity and lack of thought must be seen for what they are and what they allowed - a would be dictator in the White House, an end to this country they professed to love. Let them see their leader shamed in an orange jumpsuit, stand there and hear his sentence. Cannot happen soon enough for me and a whole lot of people.
What is the connection between these two unnatural phenomena? Simple. Both are man made in that we allowed them to flourish. The 'Rona was and should have been tackled much earlier than it was. It was kept secret, to no avail. We find it was in our country way earlier than we had thought. And we found that the dangerously egotistical Donald refused - what a shock!- to face reality, get with the program, and start a fight against it, a campaign to keep our citizens safe and healthy, prepare for those who fell victim and protect their caretakers. But he did not do that, and 'Rona loved him for that. So he laughed and ate and played golf and raged insanely and inanely on Twitter, as hundreds of thousands of his constituents died. A lot he cared!
And on 'Rona rages. Surely she will be passing the 300,000 benchmark of dead over the weekend, scrambling up the ladder to 16 million infected, and we are still arguing over the order and distribution of the vaccine, wringing our hands over the lack of foresight - again, such a shock! - of Trump and his enablers, so that we will be forced to stand and twiddle our thumbs in a deadly wrong game as we wait for more doses. And wait to die.
Today there will be more raging, more lawsuits being thrown out of court, even the Supreme Court refusing to hear the nonsense, even as states begin to combat other states, even as the divide grows ever deeper, ever more irreparable.
We hear rumors and read essays on how this man will continue to try to overturn the election results. We hear the dangerous chances of success. We read of rebellion, even as the GOP in Arizona asks if their members are willing to give their lives in defense of Trump!!! Yes, you read that right, and if that is not suborning rebellion, overthrow of this government, then what the hell is? The "Rona is inanimate, unthinking, I hope, and so is this man, unthinking, or rather uncaring, of what he has done to us and continues to wish to inflict upon us.
Nope, come to think of it, I am insulting the "Rona by placing her in the same breath as Trump. He is the far more dangerous in the long run, even in the short run. He has enabled the disaster of the coronavirus. He has been complicit and implicit in the deaths and infections. He has attempted to overturn this country. Federal, state, local - I could care less, but someone, somewhere, must stand up for our rights, to show that crime does most emphatically NOT pay, especially for him and his cronies. Give them a family and friends cell for all I care, but punished they need to be. And in the meanwhile, perhaps Biden and associates will be able to gain upon the virus, despite all of Donald's efforts otherwise, and get the country back on track.
Meanwhile, be safe, act safely and wisely out there, wear your masks, and pray for the country and the world. Pray for wise and capable leaders and cooperative constituents. And wish Biden and associates all the best as he readies himself for a very hard journey. We will all be with him - we must be.
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