Thursday, January 14, 2021


     We all know the many adages re shoes. If the shoe fits. Walk in another person's shoes. The famous glass slipper. Plus, of course, we all 'feel' the burden and hurt of shoes that do not fit well at all, that hurt us with every step we take, every move. Yet those shoes remain on due to what? Stupidity? Cupidity? Ambition? Lack of morality? Cowardice? So perhaps what America needs is a mass new shoe fitting day, perhaps finding that shoe salesman of yore from Stride Rite who took the time and attention, had the patience, to fit the kids right and sure. And walking in  a straight path.

With the current GOP, a misnomer soon to be, for the GOP, the famed Republican party, the party of Lincoln, is dead. Toit. Finished. Kaput. Just dead. Their soles are flapping away from the body, the heels are worn down and away and there are huge holes in whatever sole- or should I spell it soul- remains. The shoes, this pitiful imitation of a famed old political stance, pinch the feet, and strangle that soul.

Evidently there is a tightness in the fit of these shoes that prevents a blood flow to the brain, to the heart and to the soul. It causes too many to forget conscience and to vote ambition. To make decisions based on fear of losing a seat rather than on what is morally right, what is the damned absolute truth! The stink emanating from the rotten feet wearing those rotten and rotting shoes cannot be hidden by any odor eaters in existence. The damp and mold found within these very shoes have reached the heart, killed off the decency within and left us with cold fascistic, calculating, imitation human beings and their deluded followers who follow a man, rather than a country. Yes, these shoes of the GOP have led them to forgo the loyalty they should have to our country, to America, and transferred it all to loyalty to a man, or what remains of one.

The shoes worn by the MAGA people are horrific in appearance. They are spiked with danger, with awful goals, with murder in their every step. Organized to attack the Capitol, to do physical harm, even unto murder, to people within, to damage and vandalize not just a building, but a symbol of America and vandalize, shall we say, the legislators who 'bothered' them, found within.

Mealy mouthed, one and most, for there were a few who finally found a dimming last piece of humanity of conscience, recognized the treason of Trump, his part in the instigation of their ongoing insurrection. This attempt to overthrow the government, to usurp power from the people and become the Trump Republic is ongoing, with many outgrowths of more planned violence on tap for this coming week. I do not know about you, but I am checking every shoe in my closet, throwing out those tainted with this anti democratic taint, and keeping only the shoes whose fit gives me comfort and aid.

I, and so many others, are disgusted to our very core, at the behavior of the GOP members who refused to condemn Trump, and who very obviously, refused to accept any responsibility for the damage their own words incited, for words can and do hurt. Words can kill, instigate murder. Particularly when paired with those vile shoes. Personally, I, and many others believe all these people who aided and abetted, who lit fires and fed the fuels, and who actively or passively partook in the waters of rebellion and insurrection, of attempted murder, are guilty of treason. Period!

If one watched the pre-taped video of Trump speaking, what a crock! He used words he does not even understand and were he to be given a word check, he would fail. He spoke in reasoned tones, probably after a zillion takes. He spoke words that he contradicts the very next second both verbally and physically. Speaking of his "movement' gave me the creeps. At least he is somewhat muzzled now, though the damage is irreversible and long lasting, threatening the very continued existence of this country as a democracy.

Finally, for those who recognize the yearnings, needs, and hopes of immigrants to this country, the usurpation of the shield and shoes of Captain America shouted out their fascistic dreams and plans. Along with shirts of "Camp Auschwitz", sending shivers of fear through the bones of every Jewish person, and, in fact, any decent person, was accompanied by a fake Captain America, the antithesis of what those two Jewish boys had created, and imbued their hero with.

I close this posting with excerpts from Jack Kirby's son and shared on Jake Tapper's show. Read them and think. Read them and feel. Read them and react. Read them and be aware of what shoes are on the feet of too many attackers from within. Read them ad understand the imminent danger we face from enemies within. Read them and understand what is at stake.

"My father, Jack Kirby, along with his partner Joe Simon, created Captain America in 1941. Perhaps the most iconic symbol of patriotism since the 'Spirit of 1776,' Captain America has stood as a symbol and protector of our democracy and the rule of law for the past 79 years. he was created by two Jewish guys from New York who hated Nazis and hated bullies. Captain America stood up for the underdog, and, as the story as written, even before he gained his strength and prowess from Army Scientists, always stood for what was righteous, and never backed down," Kirby wrote.

 "Captain America is the absolute antithesis of Donald Trump. Where Captain America is selfless, Trump is self-serving. Where Captain America fights for our country and democracy, Trump fights for personal power and autocracy. Where Captain America stands with the common man, Trump stands with the powerful and privileged. Where Captain America is courageous, Trump is a coward. Captain America and Trump couldn't be more different.

If Donald Trump had the qualities and character of Captain America, the White House would be a shining symbol of truth and integrity, not a festering cesspool of lies and hypocrisy. Several of our presidents held the same values as Captain America. Donald Trump is not one of them."

So, to recap: Captain America thinks fascists are bad.

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