Thursday, January 21, 2021


      Walk into most people's homes and there will be a collection of one sort or another. Asked why, or how it began, most will say they really don't remember or it began on a whim and grew from there. Many collections take up lots and lots of room, growing without end, until the collector is forced to revamp somehow. Parting with pieces of a collection is painful, very much so, at times, and yet, sometimes we are forced to let go, simply let go.

The collections reflect the ranking of values in the collector's life. Are they whimsical or serious? Are they eclectic or tightly focused? Is it obsessive or enjoyable? Are the various collections shared or hoarded to oneself? Are there plans for their ending, their growth and their place after the collector is gone. For too many, their fate is often relegated to swap meets, Ebay or Craig's list as the heirs do not want nor understand their importance. So out goes an important piece of a loved one's life. Sad.

During retirement we have both built up and pruned our collections. Nothing very grand and certainly limited by limited pockets and space, but they reflect our interests, our values, and we are heartened when a child or grandchild expresses interest in something. As for our latest collection, well, it has taken over!! We have exotic woods in the second bedroom, the lanai, and waiting for use in pieces standing in the living room, whilst the dining room table becomes a worktable during the week!! But it is fun and as with all that we collected, we value it and we pass much of what we complete onto the family member that requests it, either before or after its completion or even beginning. Wacky! Never thought we would be doing this, but there it is. And when it stops being fun, well, we will have gained knowledge, a newly grown and improved appreciation of the inner beauty of trees, often hidden under their barks - kind of like many people - and an appreciation for what we were able to do, and a knowing within us that one is truly never too old to learn and do new things.

Life itself is a bunch of collections whether we realize it or not. Yesterday, while speaking to someone re the Inauguration and its inspiration, its return of hope to America, she mentioned, or cautioned, that we must remember that we have a big job ahead in clearing the collection of trash out of the WH and DC as quickly as possible. It is in the way of progress and desperately needed change.

This collection grew through purposeful action by some and through apathy and powerlessness on the part of others. Its 'values', if we can call them that, were hatred, disunity, anger, divisiveness, selfishness and greed. It was based on corruption, built on flimsy foundations that would collapse under pressure, as they did. 

But here is a small collection of words spoken yesterday. Words of hope, words of light, words of determination, words that will sweep clear the trash piled up lo these past four years. Words accompanied by actions - sweeping Executive Orders to cancel destructive Executive Orders signed by Trump that endangered us. So we return to the Paris Accord. We return to safety regulations, and a safer environment. We return to being America. Thank G-d!

As you read the collection of words and phrases that follow, understand that this collection requires constant work and attention. Constant efforts and watchfulness. Constant understanding that violent demonstrations by anyone are wrong, the wrong path. Talking, thinking, listening and hearing. Understanding. Reaching out. Hope. Faith in America and the best qualities of the meaning of being an American. In any case, welcome to the New America, a better version, we hope, of the Old America. Feel the words and feel the joy, their import, and the return of fresh air. Deep breath all.

The wordless gesture of standing watch over the grave of Beau Biden during the Inauguration.

"I think some of the things we’re going to be doing are going to be bold and vital,” he said in brief remarks. “And there’s no time to start like today.”

"...we have much to do in this winter of peril and possibility,” Biden said in his inaugural address. “Few periods in our nation’s history have been more challenging or difficult than the one we’re in now.”

"We've learned again that democracy is precious. Democracy is fragile," he said. "And at this hour, my friend, democracy has prevailed."

"Every disagreement doesn't have to be the cause for a total war,"

"We've seen a force that would shatter our nation rather than share it, would destroy our country if it meant delaying democracy," she read. "And this effort very nearly succeeded. But while democracy can be periodically delayed, It can never be permanently defeated. In this truth, in this faith, we trust. For while we have our eyes on the future, history has its eyes on us."

Lady Gaga's powerful rendition of the national anthem.

“Inauguration Day is about much more than the swearing in of our next national leaders. This day is about witnessing the permanence of our American ideal. Every four years we hear the words that will empower us all on the journey ahead, the message that can unite us, as we begin a new passage from where we are to where we can be. A trek to a common goal, to the promise of our promised land.”

“Even in dark times, we not only dream, we do,”...“to do what is hard,” she said, “to do what is good, to unite, to believe in ourselves, believe in our country — believe in what we can do together.”

The moment that Sonia Sotomayor administered the oath of office to Kamala Harris. WOW!!

"We will be back in some form," - oh no you will not!! We are done with Trumpism and sanity must return to stay.

And I sang the anthem and pledged my allegiance - for the first time in four years!

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