Wednesday, February 10, 2021


      Thought I had seen it all. The clips of ranting automatons. The appearance and reappearances of 'guides' of the insurrection. But I had not seen it all, had I? I now saw the noose and the care for its ever so proper public debut. I saw the organization, the coordination, the preparation.

And I saw the mob mentality, the malleable clay of a mob. And I feared for my country. I saw the hatred in the chants, in the eyes, in the determination to get inside, to hunt down and kill - yes, kill - their chosen targets. I saw death.

Worst of all, is what was so obviously the lit match of Trump's paean to hatred, his ode to the Big Lie, the depth of madness within, and his obvious kindred with Hitler and indeed, all despots of history. I saw the impending death throes of my country. And I saw courage as the Police attempted to do their job against overwhelming odds.

What I saw was the fear of the legislators as they were removed from danger, and nary a one stood there, all pumped up to argue constitutionality or First Amendment as the GOP shoved their way out.

Now, once again, the cowardice, the confusion and incompetence, the hypocrisy of the GOP surged to the fore. Never mind the horror, the stink of poisonous rage, of mindless- or was it- mob behavior. Nope, now safe in the guarded halls of democracy, they revert to the cynical and callous behavior of before. Only the retention of power in their bloodstained and complicit hands was of any import.

Thus treason, strangulation of democracy, incitement to riot and rebel, and the ghastly behavior of Trump were swept aside and our country and its people were abandoned by the wayside.

No, do not use fallacious arguments, or use more incompetent attorneys, for we all know that the pathetic mind of the GOP could give a hoot, for power is the be all and end all. These are not Americans nor do they even care for America. The GOP has made its mind up and Trump will slip through on the slimy trails of cowardice and immorality laid down thick and heavy all around us. 

I hate that Trump is still with us but unless and until he is totally repudiated he will remain.




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