Monday, February 22, 2021


     The new combo! Hot off the press. More everlasting than the proverbial bottle of wine and a hunk of cheese. All credit for its invention goes to the diamond cut hardness of the hearts of conservative GOP adherents. Actually, more precise would be the Trumpian version adherent.

When Puerto Rico was hit so hard by hurricanes, taking it down to her knees, Trump basically ignored them, the mostly brown people of no accord who were not fans of Trump. When pushed to the wall, he ever so kindly distributed paper towels, tossing them to a crowd, his contempt for them dripping from his every pore. Not water. Not food. Not funds. Not homes or construction crews. Not a restoration of power. Nope. Paper towels. Great for sopping up the floodwaters! So clever.

Y:et through that disaster and so many others, Trump managed to convince his deluded disciples that he was their benefactor, their Lancelot. Even today, after the horrific attempted coup, the fierce battling between Americans, the deaths and the wounding, the shock to the nation, even today we get those who maintain he fights for them. Even as he cut taxes for the wealthy and corporations, so much more important than feeding hungry children, cut services, healthcare, safety net features, and corrupted the federal branch of government into a moral wasteland.

Then he lost. But did he? Not according to too many. Not according to the dangerously deluded who continue to try to overturn the government. Not to supposed mainstream GOP representatives, like Scalise, or Gaetz, who still, to this day, cannot get the statement out of their mouths that the election was not rigged and Biden is the legitimate president. Like pulling teeth! They continue to wage war on the country and its responsible citizens.

So that was the new wine in the form of paper towels. The cheese? For that we move to Texas where the Mephistopheles lookalike, Cruz, could not be bothered to bother about his fellow Texans freezing, thirsty, dying, in their beleaguered state. Nope, claiming he was just being a 'good dad', hefting a huge suitcase, was off to Cancun. Anyone hear the crunch of the daughters under the wheels of the plane? Anyone smell a rat taco? Anyone smell the stink of the moldy and eminently spoiled, inedible cheese?  

But wait, for taking example from his ever so caring and generous leader, he of the paper towels, Cruz atoned. How, you ask? Why by handing out bottles, little bottles, of water. So.....wash face and hands? Freeze and play ice hockey? Take the small bottle and drink? But wait! Do not forget the makeshift latrine which needs flushing water. Oh, the choices! Maybe even enough thinking material to cause one to shiver less under the three coats and four blankets and don't forget the dogs.

Folks, this group of Trumpian acolytes has joined a cult, one dangerous to the body and soul of this country, its very existence. It is a dangerous, coldly calculating cult, rife with hatred and homicidal intent. They come loaded for bear and care not who gets in their way. This ugly crack in our country runs from the very dregs all the way to the highest ranks of government. Do not underestimate its size, power and intentions - and their determination, come what may, to attain victory.

Leave this poisonous gift. Better bread and water and a clean and clear path, a recognition of a future good for all, than what this cult promises by its very existence, by its mission, by its twisted ethos. They bode ill for all.  


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