Monday, February 8, 2021


     Well, and there it is. I have found a new classification slot - that of the human sonic hedgehog! I believe I am more wired up than any critter sent into space - and why? All to keep me in an upright position rather than one of being prone on the floor.

Now do not consider me ungrateful. Spending twenty minutes alone, incapable of moving, in real pain and fear, has definitely cured me of any prior refusal to wearing electronic get me help devices. For sure! But, gotta' admit that one pendant, one bracelet, one emergency phone gizmo, a base and a low wall button, plus my own phone and the tracking devices within these items ...well, I am now the human sonic hedgehog!

It for sure works. A test run had the kids calling back in seconds. So now why not use all this technology for other positive causes. Screaming, frightening faces in the Senate? Ping! Jazmine Sullivan's amazing rendition of our national anthem is triggered, reminding one and all that we are Americans, first, last, and always. 

Down in the dumps, totally discouraged by the situations of our lives? Well, sonics to the rescue. Simply have Miley Cyrus's version of that American iconic song, The Climb, played, and wow! For sure there will be several useful ideas coming out of that moment.

As with any inventions and ideas, there are positive and negative consequences and risks, but  surely, there is more to this whole idea. Surely there must be something, anything, and all our wiring must have more potential for the good, than only - though important - use of aid for some elderly or handicapped people. 

There must be something that will help us unravel the puzzles of the day. How is it that so many purported Americans wish to kill off fellow Americans? How is it possible that so many can desire, with frightening frenzy, to overthrow our national government? How is it that so many have gone way off track, creating a morass of existential proportions so large, so gooey, so dangerous that one can despair at the odds of salvation so strongly against hope?

Again, way above my pay grade, but there must be answers, for the alternative is simply not acceptable. Ever! Evidently we all need to rewire and find the saner pathway through this swamp of our own making, and soon. Most important is to show the nation and the world that law matters. That justice matters. That equality matters. That compassion matters. That no one and no body is above the law. That the law will not be allowed to pervert justice. So wire up, folks, for upright or prone, we all have a job to do. Plug in, turn on and tune in to the new America based on the improved version of what was, what was needed, what is so necessary. 


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