Thursday, March 18, 2021


   Nope. Not to worry. I am under no illusions that I am the Man of La Mancha. but the world is definitely a better place for me this morning because....wait for it.....I Slept!! Oh, the beauty of sleep. The joy of getting up without a feeling of exhaustion. The energy to take on my world. Love it!

What a wondrous thing it would be if we all woke up like that every day. Not to be greedy, so almost every day. Fewer  cranks and grumps. Fewer people looking to make others miserable. More people willing to sit down and listen and talk, to share, to consider others and the ways to a better world.

Think of the beauty of a world where the rights of all were respected rather than abused or limited. Think of a world where all were fed, housed, clothed and educated. Think of a world where the brain power of all was harnessed and the things we could do, the places we could go, the wonders we could discover and create. Think of a world where religion was not used as an excuse to limit people, to define people, to segregate people, but rather as the Bible tells us - to do no harm to others, to welcome the strangers in our midst, to do justice, to chase justice, to always tell and live the truth.

"Can we do it"?" asks Dora the Explorer. Imagine a world where we never lost our childhood optimism, when we lived in  a world where all things were possible and then answer, "Yes, we can." Sure, these are real rose colored lenses in a pair of fantasy glasses, but think of the possibilities if only, if only we but tried, truly tried and left behind all the selfish motivations, the inner hunger for power, position and wealth, the jealousy of others and the animosity that humankind seems to attract and internalize.

"And the world would be better for this."  Yes, that one man, or better yet, many men and women, would do the right thing, the moral thing, the good thing. A world where all our ounces of courage were used to better this globe of ours and the people who live on it.

What a difference a night of sleep makes. Think, just imagine, a world where that energy, those positive thoughts were available all the time, lent themselves to improvement, to destinations unimagined before. If only. If it were truly possible. But in any case, I will enjoy my burst of energy and positive optimism for as long as it lasts! And maybe, just maybe, I will be blessed enough today to do even a bit of good, help someone, do the right thing, make someone smile. I hope.

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