Sunday, March 14, 2021


    Just about every time I think that reality might be returning to some of our benighted politicians, then wham! Hit in the face again with some of the most ridiculous statements ever. If these were simply comments made by idiots such as Carlson or Hannity, well, wrong, but they are known to be biased towards the insane right extremists. Thus, what they say is taken with about 16 bushels of salt!'

However, when the most insane statements are made by Senators, those who are supposed to put the welfare of the country ahead of their own personal thinking, well, then brother! Have we got some issues that need to be overcome. Read the following and weep.

  "never really felt threatened" because the protesters were largely "people that love this country, that truly respect law enforcement, would never do anything to break a law."

Weep for a country that has twisted thinkers in leadership positions. Weep for the country that has someone who will pander to other twisted and deluded minds in order to maintain a position of power and to be quoted by the media. Weep for the country that should have been moving far away from this type of partisanship, yet remains closely tied to it. Weep for a country that has a supposed leader who dismisses the deaths of five people, the wounding to hundreds of others, the shock to our system, the rebellion  with all its exposed preplanning - all because it was led by right wing extremists! I simply cannot fathom such thinking and I believe these people need to be turfed out of office ASAP.

We now have a President whose clear and obvious program, whose agenda, is straight as an arrow. He has set priorities - clear up this pandemic, get it under control, get the doses out there and let us get back to some semblance of normality in out lives. This will allow the economy to reopen, rebound and get the money flowing once again, jobs opening and life returning. Other goals of his have to take a back seat until this problem is dealt with it, disappointing but realistic. Rome was not built in a day, as the saying goes, and the USA cannot be rebuilt in that time span either. Priorities must be set and some people will be disappointed, but that is what it is. Simple and true. In the meanwhile, needed aid in monies, in infrastructure plans, etc., are on their way. The sane and productive way in which to conduct government. Who knows, perhaps we will even be able to claw back the illicit tax gifts we gave the fatcats under their champion, Trump. Wouldn't that be nice for our national debt.

So excuse me if I still get incensed that these people continue to sing their Big Lie. They follow the principle of their apparent role model, Hitler, who said, " The masses have little time to think. And how incredible is the willingness of modern man to believe." Cynical, but oh so clever and here they are, our own homegrown wannabe fascists in power who sing the same atonal tune which finds and develops, enlarges all the cracks in society. Of which there are too many today!

We have a long way to go. We have much to overcome, to deconstruct, before we are able to reconstruct. We must undo chaos and develop sensible and sane, hopeful, realistic plans and structures. We must work together if we are to succeed as a country. Will that ever happen if the insanity of the Trump world continues? Doubtful, but perhaps when these people reap the benefits of a Biden administration, its humanity and prioritization, then maybe, just maybe, we can begin the healing process until we finally are once more the united United States of America.


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