Thursday, March 11, 2021


     At times it is difficult to figure out whether we are going forward or backwards. Every forward step seems to have accompanying it several paths to move backwards. At times we fall into the wrong paths while at others we are lucky enough to be able to savor the feeling of knowing the right thing was done, a step or two in the right direction taken.

The passage of the huge bill is a step in the right direction, many, many steps in that direction. It aims to plug the nasty ragged edges of the holes ripped in the safety net by the Trump administration. It aims to do something other than talk about infrastructure. It lays out the continued war against the virus, already so much more advanced than it was under Trump.

It is costly, almost frighteningly so. On the other hand, we will see much come from it, revenues to the economies of cities ad states, of the country, tax monies flowing in, people with jobs again. It will not be easy nor quick. The economy has changed in ways that will not be denied but adaptions are possible. Furthermore, at least the funds and the help in this bill are aimed at the people who need it rather than given as gifts to the fatcat society and the corporations who then either give themselves huge bonuses or stash the funds away, preferably overseas somewhere!

The shameful pictures of lines by food pantries. The actual shortage of food to distribute. The very fact that people in America are going hungry, going homeless, with too many families among those statistics. That these are not statistics but rather flesh and blood, people who are cold, hopeless, yet keep their dreams as long as they can in the hope of a better world.

I don't know that this current generation right out of college or for a few years already will ever be able to make up the lost years, the past five years. I do not know that we will ever recover fully from the exposure of the deep vein of hatred and prejudice that runs through our society - on all sides and from all kinds. I don't know that the pain of epithets and name calling such as came from the mouth  of Heat player Meyers Leonard will ever go away, the pain of history returning time and time again. We Jews wonder if it will ever stop.

The bill is costly. It will increase the national debt. But it will also lead to more revenues that can be used to offset this rise. Certainly, it is better than the giveaway Trump did. Certainly there will be economic benefit from a healthier society, where there is access to healthcare, from a society eager to return to work, to restore as normal a life as possible. And yes, the gas prices are rising and will continue to do so, but there is a good fact underlying that. It is the optimism that society will be going full blast again, people driving to work, taking road trips, going to the malls, and the demand on the supply will lead to higher prices. But then again, we will also have an administration that is working hard on other forms of energy, rather than denying the need for it. 

No one has ever said or proven that life and progress are easy. No one has ever successfully denied the fact that hard work is necessary if we are to maintain a good and decent society. No one denies that we will have to overcome this drastic split among Americans, turn the GOP inside out, restoring moral courage to those who have so dangerously lost their own. The partisanship must stop or at least cut some of the bitterness and the unthinking behavior that automatically causes negativity in voting.

It will not be easy as we try to rebuild, as we try to develop a more equitable society. We will have to be careful that we do not go overboard in making corrections, such as the stupidity with Dr, Seuss, the Potato Head family and now with Dumbo and Peter Pan!! Excess on either side is not good. We must be careful and keep to a middle path as much as possible, recognize that society and people will never ever reach perfection.

Forward and backwards. Steps taken and steps lost. Missteps. And steps of great promise. Let us make it so.


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