Friday, March 5, 2021


     So I gather there is to be a convention of Neanderthals to protest Biden's remarks re the thinking of the Republican governors who evidently have not yet assimilated the dangers of the pandemic. Apparently, they are upset at the insult! Taking the words from the creep who put his feet up on Pelosi's desk, they say, "Not fair!". For sure I feel their pain. Who in this world wants to be compared to GOP members, those spineless, morally vacant people? Who wants to be seen as unthinking and uncaring people who fail in their responsibilities towards their constituents?

Seriously, what is the matter with these people? Truly, have they been living in a cave all this time, Neanderthal level living and they have not seen nor understood the deadliness of this pandemic? Half a million dead is not enough? Do we need to take their clubs and hit them over the head with them in order to at least gain their attention?

 In the meanwhile, frustrated in their plans for March 4, the new claim is now March 20, some other anniversary date important to these fanatics, these traitors. It seems as if every time they will be unable to meet their own deadlines for overthrowing the government, they will find another day, yet another anniversary, yet another attempt to be traitors to the land they claim as their own. Well, screw them and their pathetic plans and by the way, has anyone seen Jared? Ivanka? Oh, well, no loss there!

Same old, same old continues as Trump insists he is going to win for a third time, once again displaying his lack of intellectual capacity, and Pence insists on forgetting that he was to be killed, and jumps onto the bandwagon of this crap spewed forth from the mouth of Trump. Weird, but then again.... In any case, at this point, there is more angst over the possible ending of Grey's Anatomy or the death of Dr, Grey, than over the pathetic plans of Trump. As for me, I am just waiting for the movies in Palm Beach County to open up again. You know, the important things in life.

And life goes on. Here in CV we have an election today that hardly anyone knows about. David does not even write of it on his pathetic blog and what does that say about him and his plans? So remember, if you are a voting delegate, get out there and vote. 8 to 10:30 at the Clubhouse. Make sure to add Olga to our VP list as she will crack open the thick covering over the dealings of UCO and expose them to the light of day. About time!!

What a crazy world. Senators and Congressmen behave as children and that is an insult to children, actually. Rand Paul pays more attention to the carefully placed curls on his forehead than to the import of the necessities of laws to be passed. Ron Johnson continues in his efforts to stall the government and to hell with the needs of the people. So impressive!

Think I will go read a book. Far more satisfaction there than in the observation of the Neanderthals of today, or the tantrums of the rebels as they whine about their punishments. Crime and time, remember that old adage. Behave accordingly and stop whining when you are caught. Or read a book in the first place and avoid the whole problem. Even Neanderthals know that.


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