Tuesday, March 9, 2021


      And there it is. The state of American politics today, our miserable state of being that does not bode well for the future. Middle of the road politicians have hung up their gun belts. They are retiring, tired of their losing battles, tired, I guess, of losing their spines as they caved to Trump and his bunch of hate promoting creeps. Democratic possibilities are refusing in droves to take up the baton and run their leg of the races. They are too happy in their new jobs, away from the pressure, the filth, the struggles. And who is left at the gate, lost, left bereft of help? We are. The people of America. Those who prefer sanity and humanity as opposed to hatred and filth.

When Claire McCaskill was asked if she would run again for an empty seat, her response was: " But I will never run for office again. Nope. Not gonna happen. Never. I am so happy I feel guilty sometimes," She lost to that creep, Hawley in her race and has had enough. She is copied by too many others. We are left with self selecting morally vacant creeps, like Junior, who ignores his own father's disgusting sexual peccadilloes and calls Cuomo "groper in chief".

 Pots and kettles here, folks, and when are we ever going to leave the schoolyard mentality behind and grow up? When are we going to stop allowing the GOP bullies to steal our lunch money and push their way through? Will we ever succeed in fixing our mess if no one steps up to the plate anymore? That is, other than the low level GOP candidates or Democrats like Sinema who is just beyond words!

Pelosi had it right when she stated that "the enemy is within". Representative Zoe Lofgren published a 2,000 page report documenting the statements of Republican members of Congress matching and fitting in with the rebels and traitors of January 6, our own within ourselves Day of Infamy. Our own supposed public servants planning and plotting to overthrow the government which they are supposed to serve loyally and uphold their oaths. Evidently this is "not gonna happen".

Weird conspiracy plots and accusations. Stranger than strange accusations. Rumors splashed all over the social media by over the top crazies believed and bruited about as the truth! So evidently Hillary is on her way to Guantanamo to be questioned after she was arrested in secret on March 2 by eight Seals under the command of the former president, Trump! I kid you not. And people take this as gospel truth. So wrong in so many ways. She is fine. She cannot be arrested on orders of Trump who has none anymore. Never happened. "Not gonna happen". And when the hell will we wake up and understand that we are in existential danger from these demented followers of that dangerous creep deep in the throes of his own dementia!

If this situation were not so sad, so dangerous, I would be laughing all the day long. But unfortunately we need to wake up and realize that truly, the inmates are running the joint, gaining ever more power, attempting to sabotage all the plans of rebuilding, all the progress that we have made under Biden so far, all the attempts to repair the damage done by Trumpian residents, if it can ever be fixed in the first place. It seem as if we are living out the classic allegorical Batman story of Arkham Manor and that is quite an unappetizing thought.

So where do we go from here? Do we ignore the crazies or are they too deeply implanted within us to ignore? How do we fight and defeat the traitors such as Hawley, the dangerous morons like Cruz, the insane ones like Graham, the weaklings like McConnell, the turncoats like McCarthy? Wish I had the plans in duplicate, but this is way, way, above my pay grade. All I can do is speak out, call out, and hope that enough people hear.

"Not gonna happen." But is that true and what is the topic? Is the overthrow never gonna happen or is the future of America as it should be never gonna happen? The choice is ours, but it is getting late in the day to make the choice. If we allow others, those "enemies within" to make the choice for us, then woe upon us. 

Think I jumped the shark here in my fears? I refer you back to January 6. I refer you back to March 4. I refer you back to the statements of supposed loyal American political leaders. I refer you back to all my warnings and predictions that came true. I refer you back to reality. Now choose.

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