Tuesday, March 30, 2021


   What is? Almost everything! Today, in this cockeyed, crazy world of ours almost everything seems to be politics. Masking for protection against the virus? Political, nutty as that is. Taking a vaccine? Political again. Feeding hungry families and individuals? Political. Keeping families together, especially little ones with their parents? Major political!

So where does this stop? When and how and why do we allow social issues, health issues, to become political footballs, leaving the human consequences and victims to suffer one blow after another? "Get a job" some shout at the man on line, or the woman holding the hand of a toddler. "I won't wear a mask," shouts a stupid and unthinking protester. Riots at bars. Crowded beaches. All have become political issues and it IS all SO political. Even as it should most certainly not be that, even as politics and political issues become verboten in homes, among friends, with the rule of "no politics here" being stated and observed.

But life today dictates otherwise. One cannot wall off vital societal issues in the hope of calming everyone down. One must be able to discuss, to hear each other, to learn to listen and compromise. If we cannot do that amongst ourselves, in small groups, then what message do we send to the idiots in DC who have made it ALL politics, paralyzing the country's government and stimulating not the economy, but the hate and the differences.

So what do we do to heal the differences and reunite the country? Frankly, I wonder often now whether it is even possible. When three states already have passed restrictive voting bills, modern day Jim Crow laws, going backwards more than a century, then what hope is there? Battles will rage if we can get the Senate to pass the Biden bill to protect and insure voting rights. But why has this become an issue again and how can we defeat this behavior if we cannot even discuss it within the home, lest fighting break out and shouting become the tone of the talk?

To add salt to the wound, it appears that the decision has been taken to allow most of the rebels of Jan. 6 to escape punishment, certainly meaningful punishment, any kind of deterrence to others to copy their behavior or for the insurrectionists to return. Following the mob is not a defense. One must take responsibility for one's actions and crying out versions of "Mikey made me do it" is not a defense. These people boasted of their plans. They were automatons to the words and instigations of Trump and domestic terrorists. They are the kind that allow fascists to set up governments and oppress all the people with emphasis on some. WE cannot allow this. Throw the book at all of them and yes, it is political.

WE had better all straighten out our thinking, our thought processes if we are able to move forward or even stand still if that is the result of fighting the backwards ideas of too many. Oh, but it is all politics and oh, but it is also all humanitarian. We must relearn, reteach, ourselves how to make the two a living, viable 'thing', a workable combination, a good and positive synergy, else we are lost and we are already at the entry to 'Lostland'. What will it take for us to wake up, straighten out, cull the criminals, the rebels, the haters, pushing them to the sideline or prison, whatever they earn by their own behavior, and get this country back on track.

To see the long lines waiting for food pantry packages. To see the homeless, the kids dragging their teddy bears from place to place, the parents despairing, as they are evicted. To see the demise of the American society. Intolerable and yes, it is all politics today, but it should not be. It is part of the social safety net and should not be questioned. Too many questioners have fallen into this net so perhaps here is some hope for the future - if we can get the current day legislators to listen.

Replace them maybe? Good start. All politics!

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