Tuesday, April 13, 2021


  Yet more garbage going out in the news, from local stupidities to national ones. Florida is continuing to raise an ugly profile as it adds a $9.7 million dollar home purchase by Junior. Oh, yuck! Yet another Trump. Yet another liar who claims to fight for the underdog even as he buys a home that has its own gate, its own large pool and over an acre of 'backyard'. It could accommodate the dwellings of many of his supporters within this house! Maybe he will invite them over for tea.

So Florida gains yet another black mark in its political column. Trump. Trump Jr. Kushner. Goetz. DeSantis. Scott. Rubio. Mast. Not a one of these names is a true champion of the people, and have voted consistently to support Trumpian policies, bought into the election debacle, and refused to impeach a corrupt and treasonous Trump. Patriots? Not really!

Local politicians sell out the people of Florida as they approve an overabundance of building. Developments cover what was once farms, losing a traditional feature of Florida. Trees are cut down to be replaced by heat generating concrete. Office 'condominiums' are being built at an incredible rate even as the ones already built are not nearly at capacity. Once bucolic roads are being enlarged as grassy areas are drastically narrowed. Wonder why? So do I.

Yet even more local wrong doings. The same dude that so earnestly wrote about coming to delegate assemblies has canceled his own committee meeting. Again, a cancelation. Does this garbage ever end? What next? Cancellation of UCO for good, or an honest presentation of it as a dictatorship with the rest of its apparatus declared null and void? It already is just about at that status so no shock there! None at all.

Then of course we have the "replacement theory" controversy. Tucker Carlson used it on his show in a discussion with a guest and in a monologue. The theory, supported and promulgated by white supremacists, chanted in Charlottesville, states that white people will be replaced by people not white - including Jews and all immigrants. It is one of the most vile racist statements and policies ever, chanted and pushed by creeps, by Hitler, by the old Czars by any  and all anti Semites who are right out there in their miserable convictions. For time immemorial!

Spoken right there on the air, Carlson and Murdoch deny it, deny its import, its ugliness and say it really is a "voting rights issue". Of course it is that for that ugliness is a natural extension of that prejudice and the fear of these bigots that their votes will be replaced by those of non whites and accuse "Jews" of instigating this program. Wow!! Jews are such a teeny tiny minority of the world's population yet apparently have superpowers. We cannot even agree amongst ourselves on what synagogue to attend, or even to bother, what prayer book to use, what to say about Israel, yet we apparently all agree on world takeover! What crap!! What dangerous garbage spewing out of the mouths of human garbage.

So yes, Mr. Gingrich, this is indeed a "very dangerous time for the country". But look back and check it out and see who has brought us to this point and who continues on this path. Let us all look back and forward and within ourselves and truly be honest in our evaluation, in our recognition of the individual responsibility we all share in allowing this poisonous theory, these corrupt practices, these corrupted and corruptible, power hungry politicians to flourish.

Danger ahead indeed.

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