Monday, April 26, 2021


  That is all I could think of as I skimmed over the news feed at this early hour. "A horse is a horse, of course, of course..." - unless it is not. Nor do we have a talking horse, a Mr. Ed, unless that would explain some of what is coming out of the mouths and broken minds of legislators. A chimera is a thing, a creature that is not of the natural world, the stuff of which horror movies are made. It is a combination of two organisms and is fearful. 

When we read that an embryo with both human and monkey cells has been grown on a plate, for far too long a survival time, be afraid. Be very afraid. That is crossing an ethical line that should never be breached. It behooves us to remember Biblical and  early legends of civilizations re what ensues when man attempts to cross the dividing line between Man and G-d. Be it the Tower of Babel, an apocalyptic flood, plague, or whatever one can bring up, it is the ethical violation that is extremely dangerous to mankind. It signals a recklessness, a fraying and shredding of moral values and borders, an overwhelming threat to a continued existence based on eternal truths and common sense.

But today we seem to have no more borders. So called red lines not to be crossed are crossed every day. No consequences follow, and indeed, after some time, some of our growing herd of talking horses, or asses might be a more befitting term, though certainly the talking ass of Balaam's had more smarts than our modern versions, speak up!! In fact, we keep beating what are dead horses, determined to revive them, participating in civilly unnatural doings.

A conspiracy. A Deep State. A mysterious Florida based company taking over a growing segment of the Pentagon's internet, literally at the last second of Trump's awful,  abysmal Presidency. The insurrection of Jan. 6, with clear clues leading to pre planning, a knowledge that this was meant to be violent, then blaming it on invisible 'anti-fa' people. The massive beating of many dead horses when months after Trump lost the election, there is an armada of trucks carrying votes from Maricopa County in Arizona to a broken down arena, where they will recount - for the third time - at taxpayers' expense -  the votes in a dead horse campaign to overturn an election that has actually been the saving of America as it had just about reached the tipping point into a bottomless pit of self destruction.

Now we have a chimera, an unnatural creature composed of former sane Republicans and extreme supremacists who push hatred, who push antiquated systems of thought that should have been buried long ago. We have talking horses who violate their own words. Rubio, one of the biggest horses around, forgets that he once approved, in 2013, an immigration bill and defended this with these words.  "we are not afraid of people coming in here from other places. I support this reform. Not just because I believe in immigrants, but because I believe in America even more." Then we have another Floridian ass, Scott, who says that he gave Trump an award because Trump had "worked hard". Really? At what? Golf? Destroying this nation?

Finally, we have the ass on top, McCarthy, who says that Trump never knew anything at all about the rebellion and violence at the Capitol and when 'told', he did something about it. So - he knew. He had been watching it on TV. His 'something' to be done was a video hours later which said truly nothing, other than the rebels were 'special' people, basically displaying their love and concern for America. And pardon me while I spew out the nausea induced by this man and his crowd of chimeras.

Dangerous nativism. Excusing drivers who ram protesters with their vehicles because they say they were "afraid for their lives" - even as they drive their vehicle into defenseless people. Now calling a group of THREE people a riot!!!! They can be charged with a felony!!! Where are we? Rubio endorses this, the Republican Party endorses this, and where are we? Belief in America? Not when it has become a dangerous chimera of all the oppressive regimes of the world. Not if it is the America which has forgotten its roots, its natural behaviors, its true tenets.

Dead and talking horses. Lies and nefarious behavior by a chimeric GOP. Let us make sure to support Biden, the Democrats, and the sane Republicans, the few and decreasing, who truly believe in America. Let us set goals, high ones, and even if we do not meet them entirely, at least we strive towards the good, the natural, the true paradigm of "Out of Many, One", the living display of "E Pluribus Unum". Talking asses? Dead horses? Chimeras? Let us be done with them. Now.

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