Thursday, April 22, 2021


 ... don't fix it.... but it is broke. Our system has failed in so many ways that it is difficult even to list the top ten issues. In fact, very few systems of ours are working without major problems and perhaps it is only the inertia of the system that keeps it going, moving along of its own weight. Maybe. Perhaps. Be sure that I am referring to systems all over the world, America being no different than other countries.

There is something very wrong with a world that has so many living in abject, extreme poverty, forced to live with starvation a definite threat, with no shelter nor hope for the future. There is something wrong with a system that fights and kills, yes, kills, in the name of 'life', to prevent choice for women, but when the child is born there is no system in place to see to its welfare, to help the mother. No, this child is doomed before it is even born. And as for birth control, well, forget that, as that system seems to be moving backwards in too many places. There is definitely something very wrong, so wrong, here.

There is something very broken about a world that goes about destroying its own abode. Yes, the Earth, the globe upon which we all live, and Mars helicopter or not, there are no spaceship arks to take the population away to rescue planets - and even if so, what would stop us from destroying that one also? Just give humanity a few years and they manage to taint it all. Pressure to make money, billions of it, for corporations that are not living beings. Excess money for the fatcats who live on the energy of others. Money that goes into sinfully ridiculous doings like renting a house in the Hamptons for the summer for $2 million dollars when anyone can think of better and more permanent uses for that money. Excesses will come back to bite us in the rear, a big and nasty bite too!

We are in the midst of a runaway slaughter train, what with mass killings almost indifferent in reaction, an almost daily occurrence, dismissing it with a tsk, tsk, and the brutality of too many law enforcement personnel whose corruption and lack of humanity subsumes the good guys of law enforcement. At this time, when gun ownership is proliferating at a huge rate, with too many guns in possession of felons or people apt to misuse them, we refuse to attend to the problem, to fix the system. Nope, the NRA, now in bankruptcy court, is initiating a $2 million campaign against gun control. All the better to reduce population growth, I guess!!!

Our Earth is visibly deteriorating, clearly seen from space. Our cities are overcrowded and our social safety net is falling apart, the holes growing larger and larger. Prejudice and hatred seem to be making a nasty return, a growth industry one might say, even to the point of having young children picking on a biracial child. Where do we think this hatred and dastardly deeds arise? Look to the parents. If the bigotry expressed there is so virulent then what hope do we have for the future?

We have reached such a bad time here in America that one can almost be excused for thinking we have gone back in history. Our political parties are feuding to the point of imbecility. Dangerous as well. Partisanship has taken over, thus making Murkowski's vote so outstanding. "I am going to give the benefit of the doubt to a woman who I believe has demonstrated throughout her professional career to be deeply, deeply committed to matters of justice."

Wait, wait. So you're saying that you voted for someone on their resume and qualifications."    Would that she were consistent in doing that. Perhaps we could have avoided some truly bad steps here in this country. Perhaps she could have proven to be a leader for the good within our creaky, breaking system. Perhaps.

Perhaps it would have meshed well with President Bush's statements condemning his own GOP party. Perhaps then the Green Party, fascistic in outlook, would not be a growing and realistic possibility in Germany, the epitome of evil returning to a place where it grew well, nourished by hatred and indifference to the violent outcomes of that hatred. Or for that matter, the growing dictatorships and influences of the extreme right all over the world. And that includes the USA. The chanting alone of those mobs shakes one to the core.

Every once in a while there is a sign of hope, a bipartisan effort, but too little and hopefully not too late. Always, at vote time there appears to be huge and overwhelming recidivism, as members return to this paralytic partisanship.

Yes, our system is broken or reaching breaking points. We must fix it or face the consequences. How we do that is up to us. I hope and pray that we have not yet reached the point of no return and turn to an even worse system. That danger, that possibility, is there, always and forever. We need to understand that and do something right for a change.

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