Actually, the full statement was spoken and published this way: "WE are just getting started!" This, coming out of the mouth of one of the most bigoted and hate mongering Representative ever, Greene, should frighten the dickens out of you. Unfortunately, they, these lowlife people who donate to her hate filled campaign, who buy into her horrid philosophy, are more than just getting started. They are well on their way, raising funds, supporting a dangerous credo. Make no mistake about it - it is dangerous for one and all, not only a select few, for hatred consumes all in its path.
Fully supportive of such philosophy is Trump who was in full attack dog mode when he spoke last night at Mar a Lago to many Republican Senators and to select donors. Hatred and sleaze know no economic boundaries, finding a place in the hearts of dastardly people of all economic levels.
McConnell was called a "dumb son of a bitch", his wife insulted, and yet he keeps on his same obstructive path. Senators and donors cheered at the hatred, the filth, the enmity, the polar opposite statements from what America is, boding no good for us - for all of us. Anyone who opposed Trump in his madness was a target, as he boasted of a "won" election, as he told one and all that he threw away the prepared speech, instead, delivering yet another rant, another poison filled bag of hot air.
This is what is called "The Republican Party's best messenger!" No one stood up and objected. No one of the RNC spoke out. Instead, there were cheers. Every hate mongering dictator of history was there in spirit in that moment. Every one of them could declare victory as so many supposed Americans were willing to sell out their country, to put money and power over all, to support prejudice and evil over equality, justice and humanity.
It is not the immigrants who have trashed this country. It is not the undocumented worker getting paid in the dark for fixing one's roof or renovating a house who have torn this country apart. It is not the refugee from hate and danger, or the desperate parent's love for a child that is destroying the fabric of our nation. No, it is the cop who still maintains that ugly attitude at a false or even real traffic stop and those who support that. It is the bad apple who ruins the entire barrel, the ugliness spreading, as it always does.
The message that these messengers of Mar a Lago send us is one that espouses hatred, backward movement, a deep desire to overthrow the legitimate government of this nation. It was not the left which raided and attacked the Capitol. It was not anti-fa who were determined to hang Pelosi and others and built a noose for just that purpose. It was not a protest or even a riot; it was an insurrection and this is the message that Trump and Greene and McCarthy and Rubio and DeSantis and Noem bring to us. Were it up to them more Americans would die from the virus, more Americans would live in poverty and hopelessness, more children would be ripped from parents, lost in a system or dumped over a border without care or concern. More American families would be homeless, food insecure, with no education for their hungry children.
That, my friends, is the message of Trump. Is that the message of the GOP? That is up to them, but as of now, it appears that is the truth. The deranged hate filled man is still apparently their chosen leader, and they still bow down to his every demented and dangerous demand and statement. They buy into it all.
The election of Biden was a start. The election of other Democrats aided that start. The election of extremist leftists is a setback, but better than an extremist right winger. Biden must be careful in his dealings with the Palestinians, avoid falling into the trap of blaming Israel for the ills and woes of a corrupt Palestinian Authority, for their leaders who live in luxury on funds meant to improve their economy or use these funds to pay jailed terrorists, murderers, a salary!
No, nothing is perfect and that is okay as long as we strive to always improve, always better the situation. Hatred and bigotry are bad no matter who is spouting these ugly words, Democrat or Republican, left or right. For sure, though, the words of Greene, the rantings of Trump cannot be, must not be, the message of America to the world.
Certainly it is not mine. Each of us must look deep into our own souls and hearts and see where the truth lies. Difficult, but necessary if we are to keep the message alive, the one that is stated in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, in the Amendments, in the social safety net, in all that is right and hopeful.
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