Tuesday, April 6, 2021


   Ever notice how people fall back onto the universal catchall excuse - G-d wants it that way, or G-d told them otherwise? Amazing to me how many people claim to know the inner workings and desires of G-d. How clever they must be in order to plumb the depths of the highest power known to mankind! Wish I had those powers! But then again what responsibility would lay upon my shoulders, so I leave it to the know it all, of which there appear to be so many!

Evidently G-d has spoken to a very limited group of people. How do we know that? Why because they say so, they tell us emphatically so, thus of course we must believe them. Poor G-d. He must be so frustrated up there as He watches His Name being taken in vain, His authority usurped. He has apparently told pastors of the Christian evangelical movement to not take the vaccine. Yup. Evidently G-d has delivered the knowledge to them of secret issues with the vaccine, but only to them, not the rest of us. How do we know that? Why because they tell us so.

It would be funny if it were not so serious and actually life threatening and not only to their members who believe them, but to the rest of us as well. It is this arrogance, this contempt and uncaring or lack of concern for the rights and welfare of others that has infected mankind and its history through the ages. It is about time that it stops. We have made our own choices, not G-d. We have the responsibility for the consequences.

G-d and His Name have been used irresponsibly throughout the Ages. Go on Crusade and kill thousands of those heretical Jews, in practice preparation to killing all those Moors in the Holy Land. G-d evidently told them it was okay to do so, even commendable, as it showed their devotion to the proper cause. 

G-d has been on the side of every side in every war throughout history. How do we know? Because they tell us so. So how then do we deal with and understand the conflict of that "fact"? Please, when you know, share that knowledge with the rest of us. Until that time, if it ever will arrive, just make do, the best you can.

It seems that the best we can do is apparently press down on the expansion of rights, the recognition of the humanity of all. Evidently "cancel culture" means a return to times of not so old when G-d told those 'righteous' people to deny rights to all, to ignore the law of the land and in fact, pass conflicting laws, for so G-d told them to do. How did we know that was so? Because they told us, railed from the podiums of religion and politics, claiming oh so righteous power.

It once appeared that we had gotten or were getting over this usurpation of G-d's words and wishes, but evidently  it has returned, full force. From those who oppose choice for women, call abortion murder, a violation of the sanctity of life but okay the murder of doctors and nurses in women's health clinics, to those who refuse the funding and programs that would hep these children born into bad circumstances of many causes, well who told them it was okay? Evidently it was G-d. How do we know? Again, because they tell us so.

It has gotten so bad and so loud lately that should an actual prophet of Biblical proportions actually show up and preach in the streets, we would not recognize this fact. See, G-d would have told those other recipients of His words to ignore that dude or dudette, How do we know they are correct? Because they tell us so.

I believe the worst thing of all is that we use G-d shamelessly to push and endorse our own agenda which generally has little or next to nothing to do with G-d and His words. Those words tell us to take care of the poor, the needy, the sick, the widow and orphan. They tell us to welcome and be kind to the strangers in our midst. They tell us to feed the hungry, to share their humanity. They tell us to leave pickings for them in the fields, rather than reap every last bit of profit from them. They tell us to pursue justice, to not cheat in business, to remember they are loaned this globe for a period of time and to treat it with respect.

Perhaps some introspection would help us to be able to discern the true words of G-d from the false ones, the falsehoods so inaccurately attributed to Him. The Truth is out there; we just have to rediscover it. And then take the vaccine. And then reach out to others. And then truly we will be able to say that G-d is involved with us. 

When will that be? Your guess is as good as mine but hint, hint - I am not optimistic on that timetable.


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