Thursday, May 27, 2021


  Well, folks, we have yet another addition to the lexicon of words connected to the burgeoning hate related words, all meant, I think, to either ramp it up, or explain it down, but somehow, it never adds up does it? White privilege. White shame. Critical race theory. Red Pill. Woke and waking. Cancel culture. White shame. And now "goysplaining".

So first, what is goy? That is a term derived from the Biblical word goyim, meant to refer to the 'nations' - goyim - of the world. The term was shortened, as many words are, to goy, particularly when referring to one individual non Jew, or Gentile. It was not meant to be a pejorative term, just a term of description and explanation of the space between the Jew and the 'goy'. Now it is often stated with a sigh of impatience as in how could we ever expect a goy to understand where we are, what it means to be a Jew in a perpetually hostile world. It is a chasm of difference, of a vastly often at odds life experience and outlook and at times, many times, it cannot be bridged, or bridged with a somewhat shaky one.

Now to goysplaining. Related in construction to mansplaining. or any other kind of 'splaining'.

 As a Ha'aretz column once explained, goysplaining is the tendency of non-Jewish people to "condescendingly explain to Jews why they are wrong at being offended."

 It is when we are told that anything we complain about, up to and including violence against the person for being a 'Jew", seemingly an object available for contempt, derision, denial of humanity and rights, a perpetual target, is all just in our mind. This is not anti-Semitism, but rather a more intense version of anti Zionism. Yup, and we are meant to believe that, accept that, and live with it.

Well, sorry, folks, but it does not work that way. We are tired of that attitude, tired of the goysplaining that is rife with a vile anti Semitism within its very construction and derivation. It is just as hurting to us as the term Negro is apparently today for Black people. In fact, I wish, along with many other people in this world, to stop the differential terms from growing, and stick to human being! Why is it that I can sit in my home with a group of women and talk, laugh, worry, cry and just love each other for the friends we are to and with each other? Our ethnic origin or religion does not divide us, our religious preference does not draw a line between us, for bottom line - we are all simply a group of women talking with and enjoying the company.

However, it seems that too many are self denying, blinding themselves to the truth of the matter. Hear the words of hate, of instigation, that emerge from the mouth of the 'Squad' - words of incitement against Israel, of accusations and lies, of words demanding revenge, consigning Israel and consequently, in their minds and the minds of their followers, all Israeli Jews and by extension ALL Jews to a special place in hell on earth. Denying that their words instigate and aggravate, denying that their words provoke and provide an evil motivation for violence, for growth of hatred, denying cause and effect - well, that does not change a thing in reality and truth. If Omar, Pressley, Tlaib, and AOC were to shut their mouths or at least better patrol the emanations from those mouths, the world might just possibly become a bit better. But with too many others now intimidated about protesting this 'new' version of anti Semitism, with 'defenders', you should excuse me, in their own world of hate of so many and who now use this as a political toy, well, I would rather they simply go away. 

Rocks and hard places, folks. We Jews have been here before, and actually, it is not too often or for too long that we can emerge from this condition. But goysplaining is tiring and demeaning. It is a dangerous and foul toy that only incites more ugliness, that allows people to deny the truth of their anti Semitism, the one now raging throughout the world. Because there is one Jewish state, emphasis on Jewish. Because these Jews have the temerity to survive, to build, to invent, to discover, to fight. Because the Jews are too much everywhere according to their opinion. Goysplaining is just wrong. Period. It needs to be excised from the lexicon as do all these new terms to explain hatred and actually simply raise the temperature to a fever pitch.

When will we learn, folks? When? I am so tired of it as are many others. I do not like having my fears actually part of a real situation, a real world. Nor do I like my kids to be in danger, to feel the wounds of hate, the knife stabs in the back, the demeaning terms, the acid of hate. Why? Does it ever end? Not too optimistic right now and very tired, actually, of this new lexicon. Tired to the very depths of my soul. Really tired. Exhausted.

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