Wednesday, May 19, 2021


  The silence is deafening. Or no, it is not, as the world shouts out re proportionate deaths and damage. The world demands 'justice'. The world forgets who always and forever stood and stands at the head, the front lines, the first lines, in all marches, all demonstrations for equality, for justice, for the rights of all. And that is great, no complaints against that. No complaints either at the contributions that Jews have made and continue to make to the world and for a brief recap of that, just read Mark Twain's comments on that issue. 

But I am in error. The world does complain. We are both capitalists and communists or whatever name is given to foes of capitalism. We are scoffers at religion, even as we persist in keeping our religion alive and well for lo these many a millennia. We are blamed for too much influence in the media, in the film world, in banking, in politics and government, in finance, in just about any area one can mention. As for lawyers, hear the bigots suddenly scream for a Jew lawyer! No, there is no silence there.

So where is the silence? It is there when for years, for decades the world ignored the slaughter of civilians in Israel. Families were butchered. Children were beaten to death with stones. Terrorists and terrorism claimed the lives of thousands and wounded many more, maimed for life. And the world stood still and the world stood silent. Or even subsidized the terrorists.

Why the shock? Actually, no shock, for did they not stand silent at the genocide of Jews under Hitler, made so much easier with the collaboration of members of the affected countries. With the refusal of the Allies to bomb the train tracks, a simple thing that could have saved the lives of over half a million Hungarian Jews deported to Auschwitz in 1944, along with those in the camps already. But silence was much better, for the Germans were apparently doing a public service in this area. The world ignored Jan Karski and his proof early on. They ignored the proof smuggled out at great risk and danger. They buried stories, if there were any, deep within the pages of the paper in tiny comments and paragraphs.

And the world stood silent, deafeningly so when returnees to their destroyed homes were shot at, stabbed, tortured and killed, chased out once again, cursed for surviving, as they stymied the desires of much of the world. The same world that called itself based on Judeo-Christian values, the same world that read the same Bible, the same world that worshipped a Jewish carpenter, the same world that ignored, or even helped, stirred up the anti Semitism, in church sermons, in all areas where demonizing worked just fine.

And the world stood still as ragged, crisis ridden survivors went to the land which was theirs from time immemorial, where their presence had lasted throughout the millennia, where they lived in peace with their neighbors. But the world stood still when the nabobs of Syria stirred up the Arab peasants there, lest they realize what they could and should have done in their lives, on the property they rented from these nabobs. And so Jews died again. No, they were slaughtered again. The 1929 Hebron massacre. The slaughter that took place along the road to Jerusalem and in the Old City. The guilt of the British as they confiscated weapons from the Jews and the Haganah, but armed the Arabs, looked away from their murdering rampages. And the world stood silent.

The world stood silent in 1948 as the UN approved Sate of Israel came into being, where Ben-Gurion welcomed all, specifying Arabs by name and as the Arab nations attacked. With a miracle or two or thousand, Israel defied the silence, did not go away either quietly nor  noisily. But the world remained silent as the terrorism and the murders continued, as the country was blockaded, as the nations of the world meekly recalled their ships and left Israel alone, to die.

But we Jews are stubborn people. Very much so and we will not die to satisfy the bloodthirsty whims of others. So we triumphed in 1967 and survived, barely, in 1973 when we were attacked once again, where the enemies were so close to the center of Israel, where thousands of our soldiers died those captured tortured, murdered. But the world stood still, until, miraculously we began to turn the tide and thanks to Nixon, who sent over arms. The world stood in silence when we were losing, but then demanded a ceasefire when the Egyptian army was surrounded and the tide had turned.

Now we are called into the woodshed for yet another spanking, another demonstration of how ornery we Jews are. Jews not Israeli are called out for "dual loyalty", are smacked again by that vicious canard of blood libel. We are warned that our deaths and woundings are not proportionate.  Did someone make an algorithm on death. Are we to play the game of handicapping as in golf and horseracing? Ae we to take our citizens and stand them under incoming rockets so the "score' can be evened out? "So, guys, move over three feet to the left. Yup. All the better to be hit by the rocket! It will be quick. The world might be happy then."

Yes, there is civilian damage but that is because  Hamas and Islamic Jihad build their terrorist infrastructure within and under the civilian buildings, knowing the world will scream and shout as these buildings collapse as Israel bombs the war related areas. The world ignores the fact that Israel knocks, calls, sends leaflets to warn of incoming rockets but the world ignores that.

The world stands in silence as they forget the flattening of London in the Blitz, the destruction of Dresden and the bombing of the entire city of Berlin. All in the name of victory and so it is. So it should not be as we should have evolved beyond this need to fight each other. But we have not and there is no proportionality, no measuring of it for that. No, for there is only a decisive victory and a true and blessed silence. This is what Israel has been denied. Even as Arab citizens and non citizens, are senior diplomats, judges, members of the civil service, students at all universities. They are in the entire pharmacy industry, heavily into all hospitals, have successful stores, shop alongside Jewish citizens, serve in the army where they reach high ranks.

There is no apartheid here. There is only a hope to live. To have a silence which is not deafeningly pro death to Jew. A silence that will stifle the bloody threat of "From the river to the sea" as they appropriate all the land in-between as Arab, as Palestinian, a nation which has been invented in the late nineteenth and twentieth century. A people that actually already has a 'Palestinian' land - called Jordan, a country which did not exist until the late 1940's.

But the silence is deafening. When will the world speak out for the right, for the just, for the truth? When will they speak out about the 800 Rohingya killed or the Myanmar slaughters, or the slaughter and bombings of Hazara children, preferably girls. Or the constant invasions of Russia to snip off pieces of land from their neighboring countries Or the Uighurs? Or South American countries which are in a state of havoc. The terrorist attacks on Jews all over the world. Or anywhere there is violence. But no, the world is silent, focusing only on this area of the world. Now one and all must ask themselves  - Am I anti Semitic? Do I detest the Jews? Do I think it a good idea to rid the world of them or at least take way their country, let them shift for themselves once again in countries still rife with bloody anti Semitism?

What is the truth here? I apologize to those who stand with the Jews, who do not understand this hatred, who oppose it, who took and take action to get out the truth. But the truth at this point is that it is almost a hopeless situation, for the world enjoys its silence, its hypocrisy, and will only cry and shed crocodile tears if and when the country of Israel is destroyed once again. 

But know the truth. We have survived all the enemies, all the attempts to wipe us off the face of the earth and we will survive this. We have reestablished the state many times, be it in kingdom form or parliament format. 

"Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?....When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of G-d shouted for joy?" (Job, 38: 4-7)

We are all the sons of G-d and we have spoken so throughout the millennia, always denied, always the enemy. But remember -

Am Yisroel Chai!!! The people of Israel live.

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