Friday, May 14, 2021


  I do not even know if there is such a word, but be that as it may, it means, in my lexicon, a state or condition where the status quo has gone desperately awry, to the point of danger such as we have never been before. On so many fronts too.

Where to begin. Take the errant philosophy now governing the standing GOP, the theory of denialism. Say something never happened, ergo, it never did. It brings up the images and paragraphs from the dystopian worlds of Huxley and Orwell, where the news was erased on almost an hourly basis, constructing 'new' truths as wished. Deny, deny, deny taken further with deny followed by a 'new' reality.

The rewriting of history is found in that world. It is when the insurrection attack on the Capitol physically, and the government in theory and practice, is denied, metamorphed by GOP apologists and blatant liars, as no different than "a normal tourist visit". Wow, for how many school trips did I go on to DC and never, ever, did we engage in such "normal" activity! Nor did anyone else!

Further denied, accepting that some violence did occur, it assumes the disguise of a few people who behaved wrongly, but mainly, the mob, was an anti fa one!!!! I kid you not, even as the overwhelming amount of Trump flags, MAGA hats, shirts, banners, and weapons - guns, spears, flag staffs, shields - and sheer power of body bulk, appeared on the screens of America. There was no "hugging and kissing of Capitol officers" as Trump lied, but rather the embrace of beatings and death. Truly, a state of errantcy to an infinite depth.

Graham admits that  "If you try to drive him out of the Republican Party, half the people will leave."  That shameful truth, that ceding of decency, of truth, of loyalty to America, in exchange for cult loyalty to a damaged, deranged figure, mad on the scale and danger of a rising Hitler, has taken over the GOP. Finally, too little and I believe perhaps too late, some resistance, trying to uselessly chase those horses already escaped through the open barn doors, we have the open statements and attempts of some GOP members. "Enough is enough and we need to offer a commonsense coalition for this country and a more unified alternative vision than what we're seeing from the present GOP, which has now become rotten to its core with its persistent attacks on our democracy," ..."So our message is it's time to either reform or repeal the Republican Party." Well, hallelujah and amen, but is it enough? Time will tell but meanwhile this country sits on an already lit powder keg.

And then, and then, we come to a topic of errant thinking, eternally wrong, eternally so wrong, that it has persisted through the centuries, refusing to die and has appeared once again in full and open view. The right wing of Trump supporters, on their new media tool, Newsmax, has the open accusation of that old, yet continuing to be dangerous and false, canard of accusations of dual loyalty of Jews, in this case, American Jews, "If you are Jewish and you are a Democrat and you are living in America today, how do you support an administration that turns its back on your home country?" This is already transferred onto Jews in all countries of the world. These are countries where Jewish soldiers have fought and died for their respective countries.

“Home country”?

The United States is the “home country” for American Jews. The suggestion that Jews owe their fealty to a nation other than the one they live in is a vile centuries-old antisemitic slur.

 Where they have contributed much to these same countries, far above what their minority status in numbers would realistically suggest. And yet, it continues.

So how much longer do we tolerate this philosophy and battle tactic of errantcy. Do we go down this dangerous road, laughing at its outrageousness until we suddenly find ourselves imprisoned, denied liberty, living in a truly dystopian universe? It is that simple. That easy to understand. And so difficult to face down, apparently, as it keeps rearing its ugly medusa like heads, ugly in theory and fact, as people grow tired of hearing the truth, of a ceaseless, exhausting battle to insure that truth and sanity prevail.

We need to wake up. We need to seriously, for once and for all, take on the falsehoods of those dangerous liars, left or right. We need to root out the canards of history on all sides. We need to realize and live the fact that justice, humanity, must prevail else we are lost. I am tired too, so very tired of the unbelievable hold of Trump on people, of the willingness to believe outright lies, to turn their backs on themselves. It is almost too late to combat this, but for whatever little help and voice I am and can give, until I can do it no longer, I will maintain my maimed warrior status! Join me and the rest of those who will continue on. Join or forever lose what is valued - the right to live in peace, safe from hate and harm, free to think, to worship as one wishes, to raise a family with hope for and of the future, where care for others, true equity, and a safe environment exists. How I so wish for this to be true. Don't you? Really?

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