Monday, May 24, 2021


  We all have faced fear in our lives. From real to imagined, from trivial to existential, from possibility to reality, but the fear today, of all Jews, living in this country and around the world, has risen to just about a fever pitch. Facing a fear such as not been seen nor felt since the end of the Holocaust. Yes, there has always been that undertone, the snarky and snide remarks made sotto voce, particularly about a boss, a co-worker, a neighbor, anyone within the scope of the closet anti-Semite.

"There is a stain of anti-Semitism that still lurks in this city, in this country, around the world. It has been here for thousands of years and every time people try to say it's gone away, it hasn't gone away. Anti-Semitism is too alive and well. It must be stopped."

That is one of the best statements that I have read in approaching the truth re the growing attacks on Jews, their buildings, their reputations, the accusations growing in depth, in applause, and in real danger to the lives of those attacked already and those who will be. There will be no end to this, not quickly, not in strength, for politics and the ugliness that lives underneath the surface of too many refuse to allow it to be destroyed, even muted. It is much better for the politician today to praise the terrorists of Hamas than condemn the attackers of Jewish teens, people walking on the street, anywhere their presence is detected, seen, hated. There is a freedom, a permission, to attack Jews such as not has been seen for many decades. Apparently, this hatred, this despicable cancer of humanity never actually dies out, just goes underground for a bit until circumstances are favorable for its emergence once again.

Most detrimental to combating this cancer is the supposed support of known extremists who insert their own agendas into their rants re anti-Semitism. To equate a mask mandate with the yellow stars of the Holocaust is both inane and dangerous for it trivializes the reality of the fear. No one is packing refusers of masks off to their deaths. No one is breaking into their homes, ripping the children away, or the adult men, or grabbing anything they want as their right. So please, Taylor Greene, leave the Jews out of this mess as they, as we, as I,  have enough real problems to combat. We thank you for your words against this ugliness, but again, leave this fight to those who concentrate on the reality rather than dilute it to fit political purposes.

Worse, or perhaps necessary, is for these attacks to out the true nature of the screamers, the attackers. It is in their very own words and actions. They truly outline the reality, the truth, that anti Zionism is but a euphemism, an attempted disguise, for anti Semitism. The shouts are not kill the Israelis, but rather, kill the Jews, kill the Jews, over and over again. While there are brave individuals who step up, actually rescue, defend the people under attack, the rest of the world is silent. Again. And again. And again. What will it take this time for the silence to end? No clue, but the palpable fear is that this time, it will not end. It will continue to overspread the world with its fetid hatred, with its ugliness. It will attempt to reach the point in time when Jews will not be told they cannot live here or there, but that they can not live anywhere, and in fact, they cannot live. Period. End topic.

Take a look around at the lies, the obfuscations, the refusal to accept responsibility for harm they have caused with careless words, or open hatred. AOC has indeed fed this vicious and viral hatred. Speaking out with her words and tone re Israel, ignoring the fact of millions of Israelis, Arab and Jew alike, living in the fear of rockets perpetually raining down on them, their families, their homes, ignoring the terrorism, ignoring the history, defying truth - well, what does anyone with sense realize or actually wish to bring about. She claims she is traumatized, suffering PTSD from Jan. 6?! Well, what does she think all the Israelis are feeling and have felt from time immemorial!!!Yes, AOC, you have a great deal of ownership here. Face it, fess up, admit the truth of your hatred, your political ambitions. Your own personal internal anti Semitism.

So it goes for the rest of the haters out there. This time you cannot hide. This time, hopefully, the truth will out and you will either out yourselves, your hatred of Jews, or you will step to the side of justice and call out the world against our homegrown and  flourishing anti Semite terrorists, be they from the right or the left, for there is no difference between their hate and their hopeful outcomes. In fact, the attempt to place all this in the laps of the two most recent presidential candidates is foolish and dangerous. This is a mass people thing, and its growth, its boldness of open rants and attacks have always been there, needing only the typical circumstances of life at the moment to lead to  finding a scapegoat, allowing oneself to justify this anti social behavior, this criminal behavior, this crime, these many crimes. To take joy in the growing presence of a dark and threatening cloud of fear over the Jewish communities all around the world.

There is apparently no end to the crimes that Jews are charged with. Having been scolded for years for daring to defeat the enemy in numerous wars of survival, defamed for the supposed 'settler' movement, now get this. Now, the world is openly advocating policies that will surely, they hope, lead to the lessening of the Jewish presence in Israel, or in fact, the elimination of this one Jewish state. Joining their anti settler thoughts, now the world is complaining that Jewish Israelis are moving into mixed towns, making these towns more Jewish! A crime such as the world has apparently never seen before and certainly cannot tolerate. To allow Jews within their own country to move freely within that country - Never!!! Jews. They must be restricted. Where else in the world is any country chided for allowing freedom of movement for its citizens. The Arab Israeli moves freely into the French Hill section of Jerusalem, or into Nazareth, and that is fine, but for a Jewish family to move into the mixed town of Lod! Never!! A crime against humanity according to the thinking of the global anti Semites.

So where can we live? Where can we walk freely? Where can we leave the fear behind? Where can we be reassured that our children are safe? Where can we be assured that the history books will not perpetuate the eternal false tales, the hate inciting tales against Jews? Apparently these hopes are too much for the Jews to have. Forever and a day is not long enough for the haters to push their agenda. So yes, the fear is real. It is palpable. It is within the hearts and throats of every mother watching her children leave for the day. Will they be safe? Will they return?

No, AOC, your PTSD is nothing compared to what you have encouraged others to bring upon your fellow New Yorkers, your fellow Americans, your fellow members of humanity living on this globe. Where should we go? Mars? Drop off the face of the earth? Will that satisfy you and your fellow haters? Where is the end of this this? Do you think the way to cancel prejudice against one group is to allow, to foster, its growth against a traditional target?

To hell with you, AOC, all your hateful crew and followers, here in America and around the world. We have suffered this before and have come through; this time will be no different..

Am Yisroel Chai - the Jewish people live -for all eternity.

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