Thursday, June 24, 2021


  Simple as that. No need for complications. Just break it down to the basics and the simplicity of it all will amaze you. At least some of the time. The definition of simple is: "easily understood or done; presenting no difficulty.   plain, basic, or uncomplicated in form, nature, or design; "

Using that definition it is simple to understand, for example par excellence, the Congress and its reality.  "Congress, which is best at doing nothing -- thanks to partisan gridlock -- returned to doing what it's best at."

Simple as that. A bunch of do nothing, know nothing, defying reality nothings. Simple. As that.

Thus, onward we do not forge, many of us happy in our self denial, in acceptance of what pleases, soothes, us rather than facing the more complicated reality and the reasons behind it. Yet another example of simplicity, cutting to the chase.

"I'm especially troubled by the accounts of some members of Congress that Jan. 6 was just a day of tourists walking through the Capitol," U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth said during a court hearing in Washington. "I don't know what planet these people are on." It was not an accident that it turned violent," he said of the Capitol attack. "It was intended to draw to a halt the very functioning of our government."

In words of few syllables the truth is outed yet again - and ignored by the rather simplistic motivation behind it. 

Deny it all, defy the truth, support the easier lie and voila! Reality is changed, responsibility is removed. Simple as that. If only.

"She doesn't understand the Senate" we are lectured at. Truthfully. the entire thinking population of this country, and hell, the world, does not, cannot, fathom the inaction, the partisanship and the paralysis and venom it causes and induces. One wonders which alien pod has taken over McConnell. One wonders how a twisted bit of a man such as Goetz got into the House, the Senate's co-partner in the exercise of nothingness, and how he remains there, when certainly an orange jumpsuit would be a better fit! Simple. Why? Because so many of his GOP brethren also need new fashion, jumpsuits and befitting bracelets would be a simple start. Simple is the truth, not so simple its acceptance. 

Simple is the acknowledgement that there are rotten apples in the police barrel and the shameful inaction in removing them is just that. Shameful and simple. Yes, there are nefarious people who live among us. Yes, not so surprisingly some of these same people resist arrest and forthcoming incarceration in not such a five star hotel. However, a 16 year old boy followed into his girlfriend's yard to wait for her, exactly as my then boyfriend, now husband, used to do! The State Trooper deemed him 'suspicious' and 'After the teenager "failed to comply" with Smyrnios's orders to turn around and put his hands behind his back, the trooper repeatedly tased him.

"You think you can just do whatever you want but you can't," Smyrnios tells Rodeman as he lays on the ground.

Seriously?! Yes, seriously, unfortunately so. The good and solid cops in the barrel need to realize that ousting the rotten ones will have the beneficial effect of improving the situation. Simple, yet evidently not so, for where is that concerted effort? Meanwhile, the kid, who has done nothing wrong, writhes in agony as he is tased again and again.

I close with these words from a GOP state senator engaged in an 'audit' who has the strength to buck his strangulated Party.

"As is often the case, the truth is not as attractive or as immediately desirable as the lies and the lies contain elements of truth," 
"We must all remember: 'extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof' and 'claiming to find something extraordinary requires first eliminating the ordinary.'"

Simple, yet evidently not in the minds of too many.

Wish there were a vaccine for that stupidity and denial of truth, of reality! How simple that could be. But simply not to be. At least in the foreseeable future. Simply unfortunate. Simply tragic.

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