Sunday, June 13, 2021


  What a great comparison. The behavior of Trump and the DOJ,  their egregious snooping, hoarding, gathering, of records and information about 'enemies' of the crazed Trump was compared to Nixon's behavior doing the same thing. Do not forget to include Hoover and his similar shameful behavior at the FBI during his long reign there. It seems that if one wishes to be a dictator, one must snoop. One must pervert the law enforcement organs of the country to do the bidding of the would be dictator. Thus the shameful behavior of Barr, who trashed his own reputation serving his master, Trump, taking the entire DOJ along for the ride with him. "Nixon on stilts and steroids" indeed.

Do not think the rest of the country is immune to that syndrome. We have seen countless exemplars now of the corruption of public service, of the selfish behavior of appointed officials, meant to serve the country, instead using the resources for their own advantage rather than for the country's.

Stilts and steroids behavior.

More of this behavior is to be found in the media, Deserting their roles as reporters, as investigators, they became participants, partaking of events. Alex Jones gave a half million dollars towards the Jan. 6 insurrection. Newly founded bullhorn media stations, were out there plumping for Trump, shamelessly partisan, pushing the Big Lie, encouraging distrust of the government, rocking this country to its very foundations - stilts and steroids again.

Once upon a time we had officials who, while not perfect, had the courage to move forward. LBJ, on June 13, 1967, nominated Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court.  "the right thing to do, the right time to do it, the right man and the right place,". Stilts and steroids indeed as we compare that nomination to the shameful ones of more recent years. Stilts and steroids can be used properly, with boldness, with courage, if only one wishes to. However, our most recent officials, Senators, Governors, State legislators have all turned the opposite way, faced a different direction and end goal, serviced their own selfish interests rather than the peoples' needs. In a big way! In a negative stilts and steroids way.

Falsified 'recount' results. The pushing of 'truths' that are falsehoods. The alleged criminal behavior of those meant to enforce the law. The traitorous and treasonous behavior of officials at all levels of  government, even unto partaking in a rebellion, a violent attempt at that, with deaths resulting. Newspeak in real life. Orwell and Huxley, writing for a different era with similar behaviorisms, now have books befitting this era. 1984. Animal Farm. A Brave New World. Read them. Wonder and weep. Cry the Beloved Country indeed. Stilts and steroids, even as nothing ever seems to change.

So a pilot calls for "all strong males" to help subdue an unruly passenger. Perhaps we need all these strong males along with the power of all the strong women, of this country, of the world, to reset our axis and axles, return to a balanced country. Perhaps we need new and better pilots. Return to a country that has not lost its marbles, with aged senators shouting, faces and words ugly, harmful and blood shedding. with younger ones who appear to have learned at the knees of history's dictators. We need to return to America. Period. We need American behavior on stilts and steroids, the country which means well, which stumbles and bumbles at times, which has to overcome those who would hold progress back, those who would persist in maintaining old hatreds.

We can do this. We have overcome actions and times such as this before. We have to turn our backs on the hatemongers, on those who would prefer to limit the rights of all. Do not make an error in your thinking; the elimination of rights for one group becomes the norm for all groups. History tells us that. History warns of that. On stilts and steroids. We do not want those stilts, those steroids. We need the good stilts, the ones that help us see. We need the powerful steroids, the ones that stand for justice and right. Maybe I am simplistic, thinking we can actually do this, right the country again, but we have done so before. We can do so again. If we but climb on those stilts, take those 'steroids'. Stand tall and proud, and do the right things. Simple, yet hard. But still doable - at least for a time, though the windows and doors are closing fast.

Stilts and steroids.

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