Thursday, June 17, 2021


  Evidently, the song containing the phrase, "Here we go round the mulberry bush, the mulberry bush, etc.," was the favorite nursery and kindergarten song of many now working(?) in both Houses of Congress. It is so inculcated within their core that they go round the mulberry bush every day, inventing more, increasing the patch of mulberry bushes, every single day. Might even be cute to see them dancing, holding hands, in fraternal comity, but that is a pipe dream, food for writers of fantasy literature. Now they dance in anger.

Round and round they go, taking the country along with them, in this futile dance. A supposed representative of the "people" refuses to shake hands with a hero Capitol Police officer who defended that very same man and his colleagues during the insurrection. Oh, did I commit an egregious error? Apparently it was a 'riot', the clear intent to overthrow this government merely being an illusion. Hence, every single damned day we go round the mulberry bush as these benighted GOP Party members toe the Party line, support that dangerous ignoramus, Trump, and deny reality all the day long. Every single day. Mulberry bush time.

Tired of mass shootings, murder on crack? Why then do not move to Texas which has deepened its weird vibes as it approved the carrying of guns in the open - without necessity of permit! I kid you not. In fact, this particular mulberry bush gets too much nourishment as the philosophy that supports it, that purports to be 'in defense' of people, actually induces and allows for more mass shooting crime scenes. More blood. More tears. More lives shed. Needlessly. Unless boosting needy egos of the mulberry bush philosophers is of prime importance. More important than the lives of so many. How heroic they feel, walking around 'strapped'. For sure.

Bushes grow at a mad pace, even as the call for their elimination grows. How many more times must we be horrified by yet another video documenting an incident of tragedy and terror. An 18 year old boy taken into brutal custody for the horrific crime of vaping on a boardwalk. Never mind the stupidity of that, never mind the wasting of so many supposed protectors of the public spending their time on capturing this  awful 'criminal'. Never mind that he raises his hands and only moves one to remove his backpack as ordered. For that crime of obedience, he is tased, held, hogtied, carted off like an animal to slaughter. Not enough? Yet another incident where a 19 year old boy is brutally taken down, kneed forcefully and repeatedly by another officer, so brave, so bold, to beat up on a pinned kid - for vaping. 

What the hell! How many more times must we see this? How many more kids are taken down, tased, beaten, needlessly, brutally, not even resisting, until perhaps they realize they are fighting for their lives!!How many more Black kids are to undergo this as they commit the actual crime of walking freely, confidently, in their own country, even if guilty of minor violations. Even if guilty of more serious ones. What is with the violence? Why do we insist on tolerating these particular mulberry bush dances and dancers? How many more times will we circle this bush, never mind ripping it out by its very roots. Think not that it stops with one group of people. Disrespect, violence, is particularly contagious and attractive to too many.

How many more deadly poisonous mulberry bushes must we support in the continued denial of the Holocaust, in the inappropriate, to put it mildly, continual comparison of it with relatively simpler issues. The mask mandate is not comparable to the forced wearing of a yellow star - yellow, Greene, not "gold"!! That star allowed for the separation from society, eased their being herded into cattle cars, sent to their deaths. How many more false, meaningless 'apologies' must we endure before this particular mulberry bush is trashed, burned out of our systems, the prejudice that feeds this bush eliminated? How much longer?

No, going around these mulberry bushes and unfortunately so many more, is not healthy for us, for anyone. Hater and hatred are entangled in a messy, bloody, and tragic knot within the branches of these mulberry bushes. We need to stop the music of this particular dance and rewrite the score. Rechoreograph the dance. Do something. Anything. No more videos. No more hassles. No more bloody behavior.

 No more.

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