Thursday, July 29, 2021


 So yelled one GOP Congressman to a Democratic Congressman who had called him out for not wearing his mask as is now required in  the Capitol. Hate to burst his bubble, but the man was minding his own business, for an unmasked person represents a clear danger and chance of transmitting the Delta variant to anyone, including already vaccinated people. For those unvaccinated, the Delta variant and now the Delta plus variant surfacing in areas, are no joke, filling and jamming our wards once again as COVID wards reopen. Much to the dismay of most, normal, people.

But sanity seems to have deserted these rabid Trump followers, the audience of ridiculous media talk, as the talking heads spew dangerous nonsense, convince people to ignore the risks, until they are dying, push nonsensical statements re mask wearing and totalitarianism - oh, please - and riot over that as well. Be it the air they breathe, the water they drink, or the food they ingest, whatever it is, something has convinced these people to throw away all sense of what makes sense, put on their stupid red hats and go out there like twisted Don Quixotes!

There is a blatant and smug attitude that permeates the behavior of these puzzling people. How does one become so blind to reality that one can tune out the truth, the absolute physical proof, from testimony, video, actual wounds, and insist on falsehoods, right out in the open and get all hoity-toity when questioned and pushed to the wall. When Jamie Raskin asked Clyde to speak about his own statement, Clyde's own words, that the people damming the stairs, the corridors, chanting evil chants, threatening to shoot and hang people, were tourists, how can he deny his words, clearly there. Deny it he did, radiating righteous indignation at the whole process and questioning. 

This reckless behavior; this nonsensical opposition to the mask despite all that has been proven true; this denial of reality - all stem from some weird, absurd fear/admiration of Trump, a demented would be dictator if ever there were one. Here he is, in all his threatened glory, now facing a truly frightening, for him, probability of being put under oath about Jan. 6 and his role in it, with no presidential protection - not that he ever deserved it!

How the spit will fly. How the foul language will pollute the air. How hackles will be raised. How the chickens will fly to their coops, and the rats desert their ships. The truth, the obvious truth, the denied truth, will emerge, as it already has except to those willfully blind and deaf, who do not hear the pain in the voices of the witnesses, who do not feel the terror people felt simply watching an insurrectionist mob attempt to overthrow our government.

These were terrorists, not tourists. These were rebels, traitors. These were people interfering with everyone else's business, defying the integrity of an election - and worse, continuing to this day with the same futile, yet perilous path. These people are the traitors. These GOP members of Congress who knew of this, who aided and abetted either through action or simply standing aside, these people are the traitors as well. How can one distinguish statements of Gosar from those of a person beating the crap out of an officer? There is essentially no difference, nor is there any room, between the GOP members who now downplay it all, push the fable of nice and friendly people, deny Trump's incitement and probable participation in the planning and timing of it all. We all need to hang our heads in shame that we have come to this, that we have allowed a man such as Trump to be President. Double that shame for continuing adoration of him as if on a godlike status.

As Officer Fanone shouted "Disgraceful!!" - so should we. Jamie Raskin reminded all that this is not a game. The truth must be accepted, and the country pulled back from the perilous cliff edge it is presently on. It is an existential threat such as we have not faced since the Winter of Valley Forge, and the Civil War years. We have an internal tear within us such as might prove unfixable. The abyss grows daily, so egregious are the fables and conflation of lie with truth or rather, truth has become nonexistent.

This is indeed not a game. This is indeed disgraceful, and is life threatening. The life of our country is threatened. We need to mind our business and fix this mess. There is no time to delay, procrastination inherently a threat to our viability. Truly, may G-d bless America for we sure as hell need that blessing.

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