Friday, July 16, 2021

OH BOY!!!!!

  All thoughts of sophisticated wording fly away on troubled wings. What is there to say, to write, to dread, any more than has been said and warned about before. Yesterday and today, columnists, commentators, are writing and speaking of the horrendous revelations in book after book by Trump people re his behavior in the last days of his reign. The exact same thing that I have been sounding the alarm about for years is now ringing the bells in the  steeples. Are we calling our citizens to war? Is that what will be necessary to insure the continued survival of our country as a viable democracy?

 "gearing up for direct action and civil disobedience in support of voting rights as Republicans continue their attacks on free and fair elections" 

Evidently so, according to the words of a Congresswoman arrested, along with a few other middle aged and older women, obviously very dangerous, for protesting, peacefully. The civil disobedience has begun and it will only grow larger and impact much of our lives on a daily basis. It will be more than about voting rights; it will be about the very nature of our country and the government it will have. Multiply the Cuban protests of recent days, think of the streets and highways blocked, multiply exponentially, and there it is. There it must be if we are to rescue ourselves and this country should all else fail.

"If I was going to do a coup," said the former President of the United States, "one of the last people I would want to do it with is General Mark Milley." Later ... he added that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs "had no courage or skill, certainly not the type of person I would be talking 'coup' with. I 'm not into coups!"

Juxtapose that false statement of the villain with  the statements that say otherwise, all from people within his administration. He knows the people he would talk coup talk with! Really! What a revealing statement. What frightens me even more, since I always believed, correctly, that Trump was demented, insane along the lines of an insane demagogue a la Hitler, - who did some good things, according to Trump - is the fact that these people went along with it, spouted his words, championed his cause, denied his lies, put the people of this country at high risk, DefCon whatever number you want, but so they did. And so we remain. 

You see, now the voters will be restricted, but worse, the very machines are now tainted, having been in the hands of these dastardly revisionists. Who the hell knows what had been done to them to distort the true numbers.

As we are losing our very rights as Americans, sold down the river by the GOP, we have yet another crazed individual, Ron Johnson, leading the charge against the vaccine, even as more and more die in those Republican benighted areas that believe the false claims re the vaccine. So what, wait for them to die and gain numerical superiority? Won't help, as the machines have been tampered with! Seriously, how does one deal with people who cheer a growing anti vaccination campaign? They cheer their own deaths!!! So they die. Bad idea, though evidently not in the Trumpian dystopian world where all things go.

What is ahead for us? I shudder to think. The rest of the world wonders "Will it be okay?" even as the uncertainty grows. The malevolent shadow of Trump and his enablers, his believers, darken our days, our future. Kevin McCarthy goes to bow the knee to the Ruler for Life, at Mar a Lago, he the next possible House Leader? What is that all about?It is the warning to us that the champion of dictatorship, the enemy of democracy, along with allies such as the rabid  Gosar, Fuentes, Brooks - just choose a name from the many available, - is alive and well, and thriving, flourishing in the not so dark world of his.

"We have come too far and fought too hard to see everything systematically dismantled and restricted by those who wish to silence us. Be assured that this is just the beginning. This is Our Power, Our Message,” 

Those are the words of the arrested Congresswoman, but she is telling us more than that. In fact, it is about the entire way of life, the beliefs, the very ethos of this country. We will all have to choose, no more sidelines. One hopes that this "#Good Trouble", ala John Lewis as civil rights advocates staged demonstrations, practiced civil disobedience, and were arrested, will suffice to correct our paths before violence rises and the country burst into flames, a Civil War Part II.

But we need to be aware of all possibilities. We cannot go along with the lies of friendly tourists coming to say hello to their representatives. Armed with friendly pikes boards, bats, threats, ropes to lynch - such friendly dudes!

No, folks, we need to wake up, set aside petty differences in the face of the far more severe, life changing level 5 hurricane that is bearing down on us.  I have no clue as to how or why people succumbed to this man and his lies, the crazed statements of his public supporters. However, they did and still do and we are in the cone of threat from that hurricane!

Gearing up. Our very rights. Oh, boy!!!!!

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