Sunday, July 11, 2021


.... is unfortunately not love, sweet or any other kind or version. Love is too involved, too liable to blow up in one's face, too complex to expect that we can all love each other, certainly for more than the emotional moment at the end of services or at a memorial for yet another mass murder. Too many false starts, too many people left out in the cold.

So, if wholesale love is off the table, humanity not being built that way, for a smooth transition to mass love, then what? We certainly need something, though not anything, for then we stick our hands in even hotter water and end up with a serious mess -  a la trust in dictators, in demented shouters, in people who certainly know less than nothing, peddle hate more than anything else, yet there they are, at the podium, drooling and dribbling and spitting more hate and more hate until ...

Until we are further away from love than ever before. So what then? We need help to manage, lessen the tension level in the world lest it very well both explode and implode. What do we have to overcome then in order to succeed? Much, but lets pick the main trouble starting issue.

Personally, it is yes and no on Trump. Yes, he instigates. Yes, he refuses to go away, to sit in the corner for a l o o o n g time out. By the time it is over, people will have seen how useless and negative he is. They will see him for the dangerous farce he is, for the hatred he has inspired, encouraged, allowed to burst out of the closet in too many homes. What to do? Murkowski said it best.

"You know he's threatened to. He's threatened to do a lot to those who have stood up to him. And sometimes there's some carry through, and sometimes maybe it's just idle words or idle threats, but I can't let that influence what I do and how I do it and who I do it for,"

If only we would heed that advice.

What next? Well, Orange County did that well, set an example for the rest of the country. Goetz and Greene, two hatemongers, were canceled, their venue denied, as they planned an America First rally, along the lines and statements of Nick Fuentes, the America First nauseating blip in our lives. Cancel them all, take away their public mass venues, and they can talk all they want. If their publicity is gone we will have a better chance of calming down, of soothing away the waves of hate, that ugly emotion which distorts minds and faces of its proponents.

Look around, take stock. A building collapse that has brought back bad memories of the Oklahoma bombing, of the Twin Towers, the frantic, yet mostly vain search for survivors. People find it difficult to survive hate and neglect. It just is. The sooner we realize that, the sooner we can pick up the pieces and try to put Humpty Dumpty together again. Passengers on a plane having to sit with hands on heads, terrified by a 'security' risk, not explained either. Enough of that, for the more one is informed, the more one is prepared, can deal with the matter.

Religious leaders who call out for hate, rather than love. A country imploding, we are asked to send in troops, and here we are again - yes, no, risk mass sailings of desperate refugees, and then what? Troops? So they can be shot, or worse, forced by the situation to kill many others? Again? And again? No, love is far away, further than ever.

Insane plans being seriously contemplated. A ridiculous campaign to do just that, organized in literally filthy surroundings, mirroring the truth of this campaign - filthy, attempting to overthrow this government, to destroy America. Legislatures  severely restricting the right and opportunity to vote, openly and obviously, targeting those who would not vote Republican, though there are those in the mix anyway. This behavior rips at the very heart of our nation. As does the severe and very dangerous state of partisanship eating away at the core of our foundation as a nation. 

We are told, assured, that the searchers at Surfside will not be "not caring about whether they run across a body or not".  We must apply that statement to the nation and the world at large. We must care, but we are not in the caring mode. Not at all. Haiti. Afghanistan where we lost so many, have scores and scores of drastically wounded veterans. And the people, the minorities, the women, right back where they were 20 years ago. International tensions and  insane games of chicken. Fatally ignoring the pandemic, refusing the vaccine, the masks, the defensive measures needed to be taken, all in the name of politics? As they watch loved ones die? As we have more than 20,000 people die in back to back days, right back to the future of May, right back, soon enough, to the days of insane overcrowding of ICUs, adding to the horrific death  total, needlessly?

No, folks, love, sweet love, is far away. Not realistic at all. What to do? How to solve the problems? First, turn the national emotional  thermostat down, way down. Freeze those who speak dangerously, actually aiming at the end of this nation and the physical removal of groups of people who displease them. Education, education, education, education, ad infinitum, until the teaching is taught and caught.

Finally, silly, yet real, encourage the growth and adoption of hobbies. When people find a niche, they often fall all the way in, cut out nonsense that takes away hobby time, and the thermostat lowers itself. Rather than destruction, we have production, exposed talents that were hidden, new pride in oneself and the all important lowering of the dangerous emotions of hatred and defiance for no reason at all, other than to serve as an outlet for anger. Better to harness the drives, the need to do something, to be someone, to matter, to be valued. Better a positive path than a negative one.

So, first step - get a hobby!

Seriously, we need to come up with something, as this mess is not going away and simply builds a shaky foundation for us as a nation, all built on weakened support beams, leaky valves, and every mistake one can make in nation building. We need help - and that must come from ourselves. 

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