Monday, July 26, 2021


  The world changes. Society and its values change. There has been perpetual political opposition since the rather stark times of Cain and Abel. New rules and understandings arise even as old, deadly ones resurface, too often for my liking. Even the venerable Olympics, run mostly by the stodgy, have seen the necessity to include new - and two former - competitions. 

Things change, mostly with rethinking. However, what do we do with change that comes about because evidently people have lost either the ability to think -rationally, logically, based on facts - or they have lost the desire to do so, preferring to live in a la-la land of their own making. Either way leads to nothing good. Either path leads to danger.

Today we speak of being part of a herd. Not quite sure that I like being compared to bovine creatures who will follow their leader, unthinkingly, even unto death, but there it is. There is the reality of it in the times we live in. History is replete with those who will do so, be it following Julius Caesar to Mussolini and Hitler to ?????????? 

Aahhh. That name does re-emerge, does it not? Yes, Trump, who, in his demented behavior and demands, with lies that spew forth from his forked tongue, has created a herd comparable to herds not seen since Evita and Fidel Castro. Certainly not in this country. Certainly not to the point of surreal existential threat. Not to the point of reaching the temperature of lynch mobs, that hold their own when compared with the worst of them. 

I want out of that herd! So should you.

What do we have? We have a mad mob, rioters, rebels, actually, seeking to partake in the thrill of overthrowing our government. Misled, unthinking, reacting as a herd, they attempt to do their very best to achieve their very worst. So they break into the Capitol. They try to batter down the doors to the Congressional Chamber. Violence. Terror among the hunted and lynch threatened. Officers being killed. Suspicious, serious holes in the security net and how did that ever happen. 

Worst of all, the open incitement and planning of the former President, an attack on his own country in the name of retention of power, a sick desire to become Leader for Life of this country, form a dynasty of his nasty children. Dear G-d, that thought alone!!! Perhaps, though, we can look past a deranged man, but we cannot look past the growing mountain of evidence pointing to the truth of alleged collusion by members within that very same Congress! Hard to believe? Not really, for look back at the past six years now, and wonder,  - how and when did citizens of America reject their own country turn into a herd of critters who resigned from the human race, ceded their minds and ability to think, to a man, and his ideas that threatened their very physical being, their very souls. When? Why?

The head of the investigation into this insurrection states that, "We have to get it right." Damned straight on that! But can this current herd mentality allow for that, allow for it to take place, for the truth to out? Will fascists such as Paul Gosar, Taylor Greene, Matt Goetz, non thinkers like Rubio and Cruz - will they allow for that to happen? Sincere doubts here, folks, truly sincere and very deeply worried doubts.

There are many other looming threats awaiting corrective thinking and prompt action. Yet how can this be, when people reject reality, to the point of dying alone, plugged into machines? As their "leaders" peddle lies, conspiracy theories that send these followers of the herd to death.  Oh, and by the way, a tidbit for you. Trump has explained the loss of the Women's Soccer team to Sweden. Not that they outplayed our team. Not that our team has too many talented, but aging players in a young person's sport. Nope Guess again. You will never guess. 

 Here it is. Hope you are sitting down. Protect your yes from the blinding light of this 'explanation'.  It is because of "wokeism". 

"Wokeism makes you lose, ruins your mind, and ruins you as a person. You become warped. You become demented. The US Women's Soccer team is a very good example of what's going on," Trump said. "Earlier this week they unexpectedly lost to Sweden, three-to-nothing, and Americans were happy about it." 

His very own words. I swear, you cannot make this up, so bizarre is it.

His dementia is clear. His pull for others - not clear or logical at all. It is threatening our very survival as America, the United States of America. Enough. Enough! This man must be tried for his myriad list of alleged crimes, his alleged treasonous behavior towards our country, supposed to be his as well. Try him and imprison him as he well deserves. Then his access to the public will be stopped in its tracks.

I know where I stand on this. Do you? Will you return to a sane status of independent and logical thought, or not? Will you remember who we were and should be or will you continue to pursue this strange amnesia and death wish of too many.

The time to choose is narrowing. Will you help lead the 'herd' back, turn away from the cliff, or will you prove to be a weak leader, and lead them right over the edge? 

Time to stand up. 

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