Wednesday, August 11, 2021


  Lordy, lordy, but we did it again. Life seems to  stymie humans today every time technology fails us in one way or another. Our plans get shot to hell and we stand there shellshocked, wondering what to do, how to cope. So we do not cope or we cope quite poorly.

So yesterday and the day before technology failed a good segment of the flying population of America and those on the ground waiting for them. Business meetings -off. Relatives and family - frustrated. Patience, an increasingly rare commodity. Cranky was the name of the game. But we survived, not as well as I would have hoped, but still and all, okay, not too broken. Just needing somewhere nice and quiet, background sounds of a strummed uke  and the whoosh of the waves, preferably Hawai'i, but....that ain't happening right now so oof to that!

However, no fair when nature  and technology team up to mess my plans up again. Last night was the mother of all thunder storms, lightning and thunder right outside the windows! This morning - no internet connection. I felt deprived and deranged. How was I to reconnect to friends? How was I to see what was going on in the world? How could I write my blog with no connection? What the hey!!! the meanwhile I bought the NY Times for at least I could read news of the world and nation. Heat waves that do not end. Floods that inundate one part of the country and desert the rest. The warning that we are basically doomed not too far off in the future, but perhaps we can do something now -if we actually care to. Ha to that. Technology vs. survival. Which is worse.

Anyway, off  to shop, to repair, to fix and buy anew. Should I? Do I contribute to carbon footprints? What do I do? Ah, to hell with it - out I go - with lessened plans, but technology - do not fail me now!

Ta ta, folks, for now. Hope to write on time tomorrow and in a more serious tone. Till then - be well, be safe - and how I wish we were done  with that already.

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