Friday, August 13, 2021


 Don't ya love the level of political commentary these days. Never mind that the descriptive terms of the title are correct. Never mind that the same described people are endangering the health, even the lives of so many. Never mind all that, correct as it is. Nor does it bother me, as I have always felt that being up front, not worrying about societal niceties is the way to go. Truth matters the most. What bothers me is that we have reached a nadir in our lives, in our commentary, in our judgements and weighing of values. Can we come back from this low point, actually become viable, thinking, mature adults or not? Do not bet on it. Not a sure bet at all.

Who are the people of the title? These are the fools who have made wearing a mask, a requirement or mandate to do so, a political issue rather than a life saving medical issue - which is exactly what it is. Where the masks are not worn -bad pandemic situation, Where they are, a better situation. Even as this pandemic continues to hit us over the head with unexpected twists and turns, even as we adjust to it, a difficult undertaking, even as we must reverse some thinking and advice as our knowledge increases, even so, these "entitled" persons refuse to face reality until the worst happens. Then they come crying to the government and hospitals for aid, ruing their prior decisions to refusing vaccines, and masks. Too little, too late.

I believe that many of these people are caught up in the mistaken, often fatal, decision, that they are special. They are exempt from it all. Why? Because they are healthy or a loving family or aware of the deep plot against them or know better than any expert. Their pastor or rabbi or imam tells them to rather trust in G-d. Well, G-d created mankind with brains to use, to advance, to help others. Might be a good thing to use these same brains that way. They gin up any excuse they can create. Dumb as the day is long. As dangerous as the virus. The only bet here is death or not.

These deniers of reality are as life risking as Jay Leno who stuck his head out of as hatch while the plane was in flight. Idiot! I wonder if we actually realize that we were given brains to use! Do we not understand that when the consequences come home to roost, the hospitals will be - are already -jammed up, equipment in short supply, personnel exhausted physically and emotionally, and no, nothing will help the idiots then except for the gallant efforts of the same personnel, under awful conditions. For the most part, these patients are not victims of the virus but rather of their own stupidity. They ruin it for others, victims, who did all the right things, but were nevertheless caught up by this vicious, ever changing virus.

How else to describe these willfully blind, selfish, unthinking people other than as schmucks and morons? How? Criminals? That works too as they aid and abet other morons and this virus to do their worst to us.

Not acceptable!! "Morons and Schmucks indeed!

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